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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

Check Out The Twitter Unfollow Tracker That Best Manages Your Follower Ratio

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/10/23 Update date :2022/11/10

Getting noticed on Twitter isn’t an easy feat. You have been working diligently to grow your Twitter following; poured countless hours, days, and even years into it. However, instead of seeing the counter rise, you are losing followers with each passing day—eventually making the counter drop.
Knowing what makes Twitter followers unfollow you is just the beginning in the average Joe’s world. But keeping track of your Twitter followers keeps you on top of your game.
In this article, you’ll learn how to check for Twitter unfollowers and discover the best Twitter unfollow tracker.

3 Ways to Tell if Someone Unfollowed You on Twitter

Your Twitter success depends on your networking skills and the values you provide. When done correctly, you end up with dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of incredible followers, plus many long-term followers on Twitter. However, going about it the wrong way, you can lose followers, and the follow-unfollow trend will take over.
Since we are becoming increasingly reliant on social media, we have devised ways to overcome its limitations. The good news is that there are several solutions to let you know if someone has unfollowed you on Twitter or doesn’t follow you back. And if you’re worried about whether they will know if you unfollow them, Twitter doesn’t send a notification when you unfollow someone. They’ll need to use a Twitter tool for that. Well, putting that to rest, let’s now take a closer look at how to check if someone unfollowed you on Twitter without any more delay.

Check Their Profile Page

It is said that the fruits of hard work are worth reaping, which certainly applies here. The best way to find out if a particular user account is actively following you is to go to the profile page and look for the “Follows You” tag next to their username. If that tag is present, then the user is still following you. But it’s a sure sign they stopped following you if the tag with a gray box is missing. It is now your turn to tackle Twitter users who follow you one day and then unfollow you after being followed back.

Check Your Following List

Keeping track of each follower is pretty hectic when you have thousands of followers. Since it is a tedious method, this might not be suitable for everyone.
If you opt for this method, go to your “Following” tab in your profile and scroll down the list to get an instant overview of all of the people who still count themselves as mutuals. The “Follows You” tag will appear next to each person who still follows you, so if your favorite commenter isn’t listed as a follower, you know they’ve stopped following you. The sooner you know who is real and who is not, unfollowing those who don’t follow you back becomes quicker.

Use a Twitter Followers Tracker

Another way, and perhaps the most convenient way, to check who unfollowed you on Twitter is to use an unfollow tracker. But be aware that unfollow trackers are vulnerable to security breaches, making them an attractive target for hackers. You should always read the permissions it requests and, if you are satisfied, authorize the app.
So, only use the Twitter unfollow tracker, which finds all of your unfollowers on the fly, in one go. With any tracker, turn on the tracking unfollowers feature. It will give you an uber-simple dashboard that you can check at any time to see who has unfollowed you. Simple, isn’t it?
Now here’s the deal: Twitter unfollow trackers don’t function retroactively. So, if you want to get a glimpse of who unfollowed you before setting up the account, you’ll have to do a bit of detective work to find out who unfollowed you.

How to Choose a Twitter Followers Tracker

You can determine whether you will be successful on Twitter by how your audience perceives you. It is for this reason that you should always keep an eye on your followers. It includes watching out for any drop in followers and how they engage with your content. A Twitter unfollower tracker makes it easy for you to monitor your followers and gain a deeper understanding of your entire follower pool. And it also helps you identify when you are slacking, so you can fix it before it gets too late.
When it comes to choosing a Twitter unfollowers tracker and keeping track of your followers, bear in mind these five things:

  • Select a tracker that offers you access to real-time insight as the data changes.
  • Safe, effective, and secure trackers that do the job without security breaches.
  • Trackers that don’t ping your inbox every day with irrelevant stats are the best.
  • Choose a tracker with a less verbose style to minimize your effort.
  • Make sure you don’t use those trackers that make you tweet about your followers.
  • Free Twitter Unfollower Trackers

    Are you looking for a free Twitter unfollow tracker where you can discover your non-followers on Twitter and unfollow them? You’re on the right page. Here are some free trackers worth checking out:


    iUnfollow is an excellent Twitter unfollower tracker that you can go from zero to hero quickly. Just log in with your Twitter account and start unfollowing people who don’t follow you back. Using the “Show Non-Follow Back” feature on their dashboard, you can quickly track those who don’t follow you back and unfollow them. It is possible to unfollow 50 users per day. However, you can upgrade to premium if you wish to speed up the process.

    Who Unfollowed Me

    The Who Unfollowed Me tracker offers a comprehensive overview of the followers who have stopped following you. Signing up will direct you to a dashboard that displays Twitter data at a glance. It includes your followers, unfollowers, tweets, etc. Its “New Followers” tab lets you easily follow back anyone who has recently followed you. Similarly, you can unfollow your Twitter unfollowers using the Unfollowers tab. You can also access a seven-day history of unfollowing. First-time users won’t see results immediately. You will have to wait a while for the service to track your followers.


    You will receive real-time alerts of all Twitter activities on your account, including new followers and unfollowers, by UnfollowSpy. The platform’s user interface is clean and minimalistic, which is an advantage. Furthermore, this tracker identifies followers who haven’t engaged for at least six months. Use it to mass unfollow Twitter accounts without any regret. Moreover, you will receive direct and live notifications when accounts unfollow or follow you.

    The 3 Best Twitter Unfollow Trackers

    We are sometimes dissatisfied with Twitter’s default reporting and turn to one of the many third-party trackers that track who unfollow us promptly when needed. Hence, the best unfollow tracker hunt is over. Additionally, you can use these Twitter unfollow trackers to maintain an ideal follower ratio. Ideally, your following-to-followers ratio should be 1.0 or between 0.75 and 1.25. To put it another way, you should have 100 followers per 100 people you follow. So, here are the three best Twitter unfollow trackers for you to keep a check on unexplained unfollowing activity:


    SocialDog makes it easy to track Twitter unfollowers. You can track various aspects of your Twitter followers using its Twitter analytics tracker. Logging into your Twitter account will bring up a page with all your recent stats. In the navigation bar on the left, click “Followers” to view a list of non-followers, inactives, mutuals, and those who unfollowed you recently. The tracker also lets you unfollow up to 100 accounts a day for free, but you can upgrade to increase this limit. This tracker works best if your goal is to improve your follower ratio and increase engagement. Also, you can use the “Report” feature to view statistics about your followers and unfollowers, which you can download in CSV format for further analysis. To make things even better, the tracker comes with a Chrome extension that lets you unfollow users while remaining compliant.


    With SocialBee, you can access all the social media applications you need without limiting yourself to only Twitter. With SocialBee, you can create content categories for your posts, import and edit them easily, create custom URLs for tracking, and track your performance. It enables you to find out which Twitter users do not follow you back and offers the option to mass unfollow them without much hassle. With it, you can also find new followers to grow your network. Moreover, you can hide certain accounts from your list of non-followers.


    Another popular Twitter unfollower tracker is Crowdfire. Crowdfire provides comprehensive analytics for tracking Twitter followers and is highly efficient. Also, it lets you identify users who don’t engage with you or don’t follow you back. With the paid plan, you can access numerous features and analytics to enhance your Twitter profile. One disadvantage of this platform is that you can’t unfollow more than 25 people at a time.

    Is it Safe to Use a Twitter Unfollow Bot?

    Essentially, a bot is an automated account on Twitter that can do everything a human can do, including tweeting, following, unfollowing, etc. Though Twitter unfollow bots are highly functional, they can also engage in harmful, deceptive, and unwelcome activities. Twitter suspends millions of bots every month for malicious activities such as spamming, malicious automation, creating multiple accounts, and aggressive unfollowing. Thus, it’s not safe to unfollow people on Twitter using the Twitter bot. However, you should only trust Twitter bots that conform to Twitter’s rules, including refraining from artificially amplifying or suppressing information through the service.
    While bots are not that safe, you can unfollow users in one click using a Chrome extension called Twitter Unfollow Unfollowers. Remember that unfollowing someone who hasn’t tweeted in over two years is okay. Or, you can use the Twitter unfollow tracker as a safer alternative, which sends you a personalized DM (Direct Message) when someone unfollows you. Twitter Unfollow Tracker DM from SocialDog makes tracking unfollows much easier, so it is a good idea to stick with it.

    Summary: How to Use a Twitter Unfollow Tracker

    So, there you have it. Among Twitter users, follow-unfollow trends reflect a simple reciprocity mindset. As fast as you make connections, you can lose followers just as fast because they no longer like your profile, unfollowed by mistake, or just wanted to leave. But, as a whole, it shouldn’t matter too much if the occasional follower decides to leave. Focus on making a big impact and your follower count will grow. The best you can do to improve your follower ratio without being malicious would be to use a Twitter unfollow tracker. By using a Twitter unfollow tracker, you can keep a good separation between your followers and unfollowers and maintain a 1.0 ratio. You can use SocialDog to track your unfollowers and improve your follower ratio. So, keep it up, and remember to do unfollow Twitter checks regularly to keep track of your unfollowers effortlessly via any tracker you like in just a few clicks.

    All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing

    SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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    SocialDog Editorial Department

    SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
    SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
    * Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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