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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

Why and How to Unfollow Someone On Twitter

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/10/22 Update date :2022/11/7

Unfollowing Twitter accounts and topics help fine-tune your timeline. On Twitter, several topics are discussed at a time. With the high number of topics, you may find it challenging to follow all of them.
You can unfollow people and topics on Twitter in different ways. Read on to learn why and how to unfollow on Twitter effectively.

Deciding on What to Unfollow on Twitter

Having a goal when creating a personal or business Twitter account is advisable. Your goal is the major determinant of the people and topics to unfollow on Twitter. Following people posting irrelevant tweets or topics doesn’t help attain your goal.
You can determine who to unfollow based on how active they are and the level of engagement they bring. You may be following people with whom you share the same interests. However, some may be inactive, meaning they tweet once every 2 or 3 months.
Learning how to unfollow on Twitter at once is vital to saving time and effort. Read on to learn about the various tools and ways on how to unfollow on Twitter fast.

Unfollow People on Twitter

Your timeline may get saturated because of the many tweets from people you follow. Too many tweets can make it difficult for you to manage your account. For easy account management, you can unfollow users who post too many irrelevant tweets.
Your Twitter account looks good with a positive following vs. follower ratio. A good ratio is a great indicator of your success on the platform. To attain a positive ratio, you can unfollow users you are following but don’t follow you back.
Inactive or spam accounts are not worth following. These are users who don’t post updates, only retweet, or post ads on their feeds. You can unfollow all of them since they aren’t beneficial.

Unfollow Topics on Twitter

One primary reason you follow people on Twitter is to keep up-to-date on current events. Besides following accounts, Twitter also allows you to follow topics. You can choose the topics to follow on your home timeline, and Twitter will show popular tweets from these topics.
You might have many irrelevant tweets, ads, and events on your timeline, making it hard for you to follow the relevant topics. It would help to unfollow the topics you aren’t interested in. There are different ways on how to unfollow topics on Twitter.
You can unfollow topics on Twitter either from your timeline or your topics. In the timeline, search for a tweet from a topic you are following. Then tap the icon from the top of the tweet and click ‘unfollow.’
To unfollow a topic on the web, you can go to the ‘more’ icon in the sidebar menu, then click on topics. Then, tap the ‘X’ button beside the topic. On your mobile, go to ‘topics’ on your profile menu and click ‘X’ beside the topic you want to unfollow.

Choosing Who to Unfollow on Twitter

As mentioned above, you can unfollow users who don’t contribute to the attainment of your goal. Here are some of the users to unfollow.

Unfollow Someone Following You on Twitter

You can unfollow someone following you to remove clutter from your timeline or to attain a positive following vs. follower ratio. Twitter makes it easy for you to unfollow someone and prevent them from following you again. Here are steps on how to unfollow someone following you on Twitter:

  • Open your account in a web browser
  • Go to you the followers you want to unfollow on your account page
  • Choose ‘More’ and then ‘Remove this Follower.’
  • To block them from following you back again, go to ‘more’ and then click ‘Block.’
  • Unfollow People Who Don’t Follow You on Twitter

    You can unfollow users who are not following you to attain a positive follower/following balance. With a good ratio, your Twitter account looks more appealing and attracts more followers. Here is how to unfollow Twitter users who don’t follow you.

  • Go to the tweet from the follower you want to unfollow.
  • Navigate to their name and click the “following” button. The button changes to “unfollow” when you hover over it.
  • Click “unfollow”
  • Another option is to unfollow from your following list.
    You click Following from the profile page, then go to a list of everyone you’re following, then you see the “following” buttons
    Click it to “unfollow the user.”

    Unfollow Someone Who Deactivated Their Twitter Account

    Following a deactivated Twitter account doesn’t add value. They increase your follower count, which impacts your follower ratio. Besides, following too many inactive Twitter accounts affects your account authority and influence. Here are steps on how to unfollow someone who deactivated Twitter.

  • Click on the search Twitter bar at the top of the screen
  • Write the username of the deactivated account
  • Click on the following icon at the top right hand side of the page
  • Confirm you want to unfollow the account
  • Since you may not know all the names of the deactivated accounts, third-party tools can help identify and unfollow them fast.

    Unfollow All at Once on Twitter

    It takes effort and time to unfollow Twitter users one by one. You have to search for the account you want to unfollow individually and tap the unfollow button beside their name.
    However, Twitter monitors account activity. Mass unfollowing at once can lead to your account suspension. So, you should do the unfollowing moderately. There are several ways on how to unfollow on Twitter all at once. There are also Twitter tools that allow you to mass unfollow users, and we’ll look at these tools below.

    Can You Unfollow Someone on Twitter Without Them Knowing?

    Are you wondering how to unfollow on Twitter without them knowing? Twitter allows you to unfollow a user without them noticing. Users aren’t notified when they get unfollowed on the platform. This is necessary to avoid backlash from people who may react negatively to being unfollowed.
    A user can only know by checking if you are still following them. They may also suspect you unfollowed them since they can no longer see your tweets in their timeline. Therefore, if you find that a user is not worth following, you can unfollow them without worrying. Here is how to unfollow someone on Twitter in bulk without them knowing.

  • Click on “followers” and then the “three-dot” icon beside a follower’s name.
  • Click the “remove the follower” option.
  • Can You Make Someone Unfollow You on Twitter?

    Twitter allows you to make someone unfollow you if you don’t want to do it yourself. Here are the steps on how to make someone unfollow on Twitter on your phone.

  • Open the Twitter app and log into your account
  • Go to your profile
  • Tap on “settings”
  • From the list, go to the “Security and privacy settings”.
  • Choose the option “Protect my Tweets.”
  • Click on the option “block”. This blocks them from your following list. Thus, they will unfollow you automatically.
  • Here are steps to make someone unfollow you on Twitter on the desktop

  • Open your twitter account
  • Go to your profile by clicking on your username, at the top of the screen.
  • Tap the “follower” button to display your followers’ list.
  • Search for users want have them unfollow you
  • Click the “three dots” on the right side of the profile page
  • Click “block” beside their username
  • When the dialogue box pops us, confirm the block action.
  • Different ways to unfollow on Twitter

    After determining the followers to unfollow on Twitter, the other thing is to decide how to do it. It’s advisable to look for a way to unfollow at once to save time. You can also use a method that won’t go against Twitter policies. Both automation and manual processes are available.

    Manually Unfollow on the Twitter App

    Unfollowing manually on the Twitter App is the simplest way. You don’t need to use a third-party tool. However, the method takes time since you can only unfollow one account at a time. Here are steps on how to unfollow on the Twitter app.

    Open and log in to your Twitter account

  • Click on your “profile”
  • Click “Following” on each user you want to unfollow
  • Tap “Unfollow”
  • This way, you will unfollow all accounts you don’t need. Depending on the number of accounts you want to unfollow, it can take time.

    Use a Twitter Unfollow Bot or Extension

    You can also use a Twitter unfollow bot or extension to remove accounts automatically. It allows you to mass unfollow Twitter for free. Bots and extensions work in various browsers, including Opera and Chrome, but can only be used on PC. Here are the general steps to use a bot or extension:

  • Go to your Twitter following page
  • Launch the extension
  • Click “unfollow,” and all users are automatically unfollowed
  • Click “stop” when done.
  • Note that mass unfollowing using the tool is not permitted by Twitter. So, your account can be suspended. Besides, you are liable for any issue that may occur when using the Twitter unfollow extension.

    Use a Third-Party Twitter Tool

    You can unfollow using third-party Twitter tools to unfollow at once, thus saving you time and effort. They offer great functionality and facilitate the unfollow process. However, it’s good to be careful because some don’t comply with Twitter unfollow policies. Using them may result in account suspension or ban.
    Security can also be a concern, as third parties may access your information and don’t take responsibility if something goes wrong. So, be sure to use a trusted Twitter tool.

    Deciding on a Third-Party Twitter Tool

    Third-party Twitter tools differ in their efficiency. You can decide the safest to use by checking the features and how they comply with Twitter policies. Another factor worth considering is the pricing of the tool. It’s advisable to use a tool that suits your budget.
    You can opt for one that gives you a free trial to determine its efficiency. The most important thing is to use a tool that won’t cause problems with Twitter for going against the unfollow rules. Here are some of the best third-party Twitter tools to use.


    SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter tool that improves your account management and follower analytics efficiency. It’s an unmatched tool for Twitter management and marketing. With the tool, you can manage followers with robust filters.
    You may find some bots or trolls running your Twitter account. SocialDog has the solution since it can easily track spam and inactive accounts. You can use the tool to sift through your followers and remove the clutter. SocialDog helps you manage your follower count, thus making your account look more appealing and credible.
    The tool allows you to unfollow people who have not followed you back. It’s safe since all the features comply with Twitter’s follow and unfollow rules. This helps prevent your account from suspension.
    SocialDog has four plans to choose from according to your budget and needs. It has plans for businesses and individuals ranging from free to $99. You can enjoy the free Lite Plan if you keep your subscription. Other plans include; Lite + for $9 per month, Pro for $49 per month, and Business for $99 per month


    SocialBee is a Twitter management tool with a visual interface to manage, track and boost your social presence. The tool can help you maintain a positive Twitter following-to-followers ratio. It has a simple interface that allows you to unfollow users fast.
    SocialBee can help you identify inactive accounts that have not posted for a certain period. The tools also help you find users with no avatar or a default egg photo and allow you to unfollow them. Besides, it finds followers who aren’t following you back and allows you to unfollow them. The tool has different paid plans, but you can also try the free plan for 14 days.
    You can start unfollowing by going to the ‘Audience’ page. You will find users to unfollow by tapping ‘Non-followers’ under the sub-menu. The tool allows you to access each user’s Twitter pages, where you can unfollow them. Before unfollowing, you can create a whitelist of users you want to maintain a connection with.


    Crowdfire is an easy-to-use tool to unfollow Twitter accounts. The tool offers thorough analytics of your followers and helps you identify the ones to unfollow. Besides helping clean up your Twitter account, it also allows you to optimize for growth. Crowdfire has several tiers to suit your Twitter management needs. You can use the free tier that allows you to unfollow fifty accounts daily.
    The tool allows you to find out the list of the users you are following but are not following back. Furthermore, the tool features an ‘Unfollowers tab’ that shows users who have unfollowed you. It also shows whether you still follow them or not and provide you with a red button you can use to unfollow them.
    On the sidebar on the left, you can find the tab ‘Non-followers.’ These are users you follow but don’t follow back. Besides, the tool allows you to find inactive followers. You can select ‘inactive followers’ in the sidebar to find them. This makes it easy for you to unfollow them.

    Summary: How to Unfollow on Twitter Quickly and Safely

    Using SocialDog is one of the best ways to unfollow on Twitter quickly and safely. When using the tool, you don’t have to register the password of your SNS account. The tool uses the “OAuth” mechanism to retrieve data and update your account. So, there are no risks of your SNS account password getting leaked to third parties. It follows internationally recognized security standards, and all the features adhere to official Twitter automation rules.
    SocialDog has four plans, so you choose one that suits your needs. You can also enjoy the 7-day free trial on all plans or use the Lite free plan.

    All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing

    SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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    SocialDog Editorial Department

    SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
    SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
    * Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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