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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

5 Ways to Unfollow Fast and Boost your Twitter Follower Ratio

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/1/3 Update date :2023/1/10

A good Twitter follow ratio makes your account look more credible. You can improve your follow ratio by unfollowing non-followers and inactive accounts. Read on to learn how you can unfollow fast and safely.

Is Your Twitter Follow Ratio Important?

Twitter follow ratio refers to the number of your followers compared to the accounts you follow. A positive ratio matters because it shows you are creating content that people like, and it’s the first impression of your business’s popularity.
A good ratio means you have a good number of followers interested in your brand. There is a better chance for your business to go viral with more followers, leading to increased visibility. A positive ratio also gives your account a good first impression, attracting more potential followers.
Following thousands of accounts but having few followers could show others that your content isn’t good enough. You portray an image that negatively affects your business.

Does Twitter Have Follow and Unfollow Limits?

Following accounts on Twitter lets you know what is happening with the people or topics you follow. On the other hand, unfollowing accounts allows for easy account management and lets you attain a positive follow ratio. You can unfollow undesirable accounts that don’t contribute to your Twitter goals.

Twitter Follow Limits

Twitter limits the number of users you can follow based on your account. You can follow 400 users daily, but with a verified account, you can follow 1,000 accounts daily.
The other technical limit depends on your follow ratio. When you reach 5,000 accounts, you cannot follow more accounts until you gain more followers. However, the number may vary depending on your follow ratio.
Twitter also doesn’t permit abusive following. You aren’t allowed to follow and then unfollow multiple accounts to inflate your ratio. Indiscriminate following of multiple users at once and duplicating other accounts using automation is also prohibited. Doing so can lead to your account suspension.

Twitter Unfollow Limits

Twitter doesn’t have a limit on the number of accounts you can unfollow. However, it has restrictions on how you unfollow as it checks your intent when unfollowing accounts. It doesn’t allow following multiple accounts, then unfollowing them within a short period. This indicates you are following accounts simply hoping they’ll follow you back.
Twitter also considers how you unfollow accounts. Twitter prohibits unfollowing accounts using apps that don’t follow its automation rules. Your account risks suspension if you don’t follow the guidelines.

When to Unfollow People on Twitter

You should unfollow Twitter accounts when you don’t want to see their tweets on your timeline. They may be posting spam, or irrelevant or annoying topics. You may also unfollow to improve your follow ratio, or you no longer have a mutual engagement with the followers.

Unfollow Inactive Accounts

You can unfollow inactive Twitter accounts since you no longer have any beneficial engagement with them. They don’t tweet, reply to mentions, or answer messages. Following them wastes your time and hurts your follow ratio.

Unfollow Non-followers on Twitter

Non-followers are accounts you follow, but they don’t follow back. Anyone can view anyone’s public tweet. but your tweets won’t show up in non-followers twitter feed. So, you cannot have a mutual interaction with them. Unfollowing non-followers helps declutter your timeline and allows for easier account management.

Unfollow Everyone on Twitter

You can unfollow everyone on Twitter fast to start afresh. You may feel you are no longer having helpful conversations with all your followers and may consider unfollowing them.
You can also unfollow everyone if you change your account goals and want to start fresh with new followers. You can unfollow from the Twitter website, mobile app, or other Twitter apps.

How to Unfollow on Twitter

After deciding which users to unfollow on Twitter, the next thing is to determine how to do it. The most important thing is to use a way that will let you unfollow quickly, easily, and safely.

Unfollow Using the Twitter Website

You can unfollow using the Twitter website in your browser. Log in to your Twitter account, go to your Following list, then click “Unfollow” next to the name of the users you want to unfollow.
To unfollow from your timeline you go to the 3 dots dropdown on the tweet then click unfollow.

Unfollow Using the Official Twitter Mobile App

You can unfollow on the Twitter Android app or the Twitter iPhone app.
Click the profile of the user you want to unfollow. Once you are on their user page, click on the blue “Following” button to unfollow.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Extension

The other way to unfollow is using a Twitter mass unfollow extension. You can use it to unfollow multiple accounts at once. Download and install an extension on your desktop or laptop browser and log in to your Twitter account inside the extension. Locate the “Mass unfollow” button and click on it to unfollow all the accounts.
When using a Twitter mass unfollow extension, you should be aware that Twitter doesn’t allow mass unfollowing with extensions, so your account risks suspension or ban. Unauthorized third parties may also access your information.

Use a Twitter Unfollow App

A Twitter unfollow app can help you unfollow all undesirable accounts. There are various apps with different features you can use to unfollow. For instance, if you want to unfollow non-followers, choose can app that lets you find and unfollow them quickly. Some apps, such as SocialDog, have a mobile version.

How to Choose a Twitter Unfollow Tool

You should choose a Twitter unfollow tool that lets you unfollow quickly to allow for easy account management.
When choosing a Twitter unfollow tool, you should also consider your budget. With so many pricing options, choose a subscription that suits your budget. Most Twitter tools also have free plans, but they limit the number of users you can unfollow and have limited features.
Another critical factor to consider is the safety of your data. Consider a Twitter unfollow tool that protects your information from unauthorized access. As you choose a Twitter unfollow tool, it’s also advisable to check that it follows Twitter unfollow and automation rules to avoid account suspension or ban.
Choose a tool you can use both on your PC and mobile for more convenience. A tool like SocialDog has a mobile app for both iPhone and Android.

5 Ways to Unfollow Fast on Twitter

The most critical thing when unfollowing on Twitter is to ensure you do it safely. Be sure to unfollow in a way that doesn’t put your account at risk of suspension.


SocialDog offers one of the fastest ways to unfollow on Twitter on your mobile and PC. Unlike some other Twitter unfollow tools, SocialDog has a mobile app you can use to manage your account on your Android or iPhone. It’s a perfect tool for companies, individuals, bloggers, influencers, and others who use Twitter. It has rich features and a simple dashboard that allows you to unfollow all undesirable accounts quickly and safely.
The tool displays all your account information on its dashboard. SocialDog shows your follower ratio to allow you to decide on whom to unfollow to attain the best ratio. It gives you recommendations on the users to unfollow to achieve a positive ratio. For instance, you find recommendations to unfollow non-followers or inactive accounts.
SocialDog displays all inactive users, non-followers and lets you remove them by clicking the “Unfollow” button next to the accounts. The tool also features a keep list where you can include all the accounts you don’t want to unfollow accidentally. These may include influencers who post relevant topics that keep you updated, though they may not follow you back.
SocialDog allows for a secure account connection since you use it without registering a password using Twitter’s official “OAuth” authentication. The tool also follows internationally recognized security standards, protecting your information from unauthorized access.


Twindr is a great mass unfollow Twitter mobile app that lets you unfollow quickly with a simple swipe. Twindr goes through groups of around 15 accounts, including their bio, avatar, and recent tweets. The app displays all the users you follow one at a time.
Swipe to the left for all the accounts you want to unfollow. To keep following an account, you can swipe on the right. This allows you to unfollow or keep following the relevant accounts to attain a good follower ratio.


iUnfollow is a simple Twitter unfollow tool that allows you to unfollow non-followers. To use the tool, sign in with Twitter and authorize it to access your account. iUnfollow displays non-followers for you to unfollow by clicking on the “Unfollow” button next to their usernames.
You can also whitelist accounts you don’t want to unfollow accidentally. These include celebrities or other famous personalities who post topics or news that keep you updated on certain subjects but don’t necessarily follow you back.
For the free plan, you can unfollow 50 or whitelist only 5 accounts daily, but you can upgrade by paying $3.33/month to remove the limits.

Twitter Mass Unfollow

Twitter Mass Unfollow lets you unfollow all inactive accounts with a single click. You can install the tool and then login into your account. Go to your profile and click the “Following” option. You find an option “Unfollow all.” Click on it to unfollow the accounts automatically. Twitter Mass Unfollow helps you save time, especially if you have a lot of users to unfollow, to improve your follow ratio.


Tweepi is another tool that allows you to unfollow inactive and non-followers to improve your follower ratio. Tweepi unfollow enables you to find inactive accounts and non-followers making it easy to remove them.
The tool allows you to unfollow a single account by tapping the “Unfollow” or “Force to Unfollow Me” button for that account. You can use the free package, opt for the Silver plan for $12.99/month or the Platinum plan for $24.99/month.

Try This Twitter Management Tool to Unfollow Fast on Twitter
Unfollowing undesirable accounts helps you achieve a good follow ratio. A positive follow ratio makes your account look credible and attracts more potential followers. Your tweets have a better chance to go viral, with more active followers.
You can unfollow inactive accounts, non-followers, or everyone to start fresh. There are different ways you can unfollow on Twitter to attain a good follower ratio. The most important thing is to use a method that follows Twitter unfollow and automation rules.
SocialDog offers the one of the fastest ways to unfollow on Twitter. You can use it in your browser or the mobile version on your Android or iPhone. Its follower management feature allows for efficient following and unfollowing operations. It enables you to find inactive accounts or non-followers and click the “Unfollow” button next to the account’s name.
SocialDog keeps your information secure from unauthorized access. The tool has 4 pricing plans to choose from. You can sign up for Lite Free, Lite+ ($9/month), Pro ($49/month), or Business ($99/month). There is also a 7-day free trial for all of the paid plans.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing

SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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