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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

Discover the best way to schedule tweets within the app with minimal effort

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/5/13 Update date :2022/5/24

Social media has gained significant sway with rising interest and prominence among brands today. It can fuel up both a brand’s reach and one’s own without much effort. However, it can get tedious and exhausting, especially when juggling multiple tasks.

Pros and Cons of Using App to Schedule Tweets

Scheduling tweets ahead of time is one way to stay on top of your Twitter game. For your delectation, here are a few pros and cons of scheduling tweets on an application that will increase Twitter engagement.

Reduce Time:
Time savings is the most noticeable benefit. You will save yourself from the annoying and tedious task of doing this over and out every day by spending just a few minutes here.

Consistent Flow:
Your readers will soon start expecting your weekly round-ups and your daily tweets.

Audience Expansion:
The main obstacle is getting more eyeballs on your content. Even if you have a lot of followers on Twitter, it doesn’t guarantee everyone will see your tweets. A very few of your followers will be on application at that precise moment. If you schedule the same tweet twice or three times over a few days, you can reach a wider audience.

Maintain Quality:
Whether you’re working in a team of two or for yourself, you should always double-check every scheduled tweet before it goes live. It allows you to focus on crafting content that will interest your target market.

Engaging Weekends:
Don’t pass up the opportunity to engage your followers by sharing tweets on applications only during business hours. There are times when your target market may like to read your tweets while riding the train, watching television, or just relaxing at home drinking coffee. In such cases, scheduled tweets are your best friend.

Missing Interactions:
When you have a lot of content to schedule, it’s easy to forget to check for comments, replies, or RTs. It’s not just broadcasting that count; it’s more about engagement also. When pushing out content ‘out of hours,’ bear this in mind. Keep track of your priorities by setting up alerts and notifications. Especially if a customer comes to you with a question or complaint, failing to respond promptly can damage your reputation.

Unwise Scheduling:
Let’s say you schedule a tweet to promote a discount for a European tour. What if a crisis breaks out in Europe during that time? It is vital to review your schedule each day before moving forward. You’ll save your brand or customer from unfavorable publicity in only a few minutes.

Old Tweet:
You can schedule tweets ahead of time and schedule them for recurrence. But if you don’t stop or change some recurring tweets after a few days, your brand and image will suffer. Moreover, sharing news only works if it’s still newsworthy. Nobody wants to read stale content!

Scheduling tweets can be challenging, especially if you are not extraordinarily organized and proactive. When scheduling in bulk, you might make errors such as typos, inaccurate hashtags, or faulty/invalid links. Be sure to check!

Benefits of of Using App to Schedule Tweets

Some people find scheduling tweets bizarre and a bit of a hassle. Scheduled tweets don’t mean that you should stop engaging with your followers. In short, you dedicate all your time to creating quality content for a while, and then you can use it however you like. It could be engaging with your followers, digging deeper into inspiration, or overcoming obstacles.
I will walk you through the in-depth benefits of scheduling. By scheduling tweets using apps, you gain back a ton of time and enjoy a lot of perks, some of which we cover below:

Can be used anywhere

When it comes to driving organic traffic to your page, staying consistent on social media will be paramount. You will lose the trust and engagement of your Twitter audience if you are inactive constantly. By setting up scheduled tweets on apps, you can keep your Twitter account consistent and build trust among your followers.
Say you have a promotion coming up you would like to promote on Twitter. You can create all your tweets in advance and schedule them during promotion planning. As your launch day approaches, you won’t have to worry about securing social media exposure. With mobile apps, tweeting gets a breeze more than ever.
Also, scheduling tweets can help with the time crunch your business encounters due to its day-to-day activities. For example, if you schedule tweets on Monday morning, you won’t have to worry about tweeting them each day.

Increase efficiency

In the long run, tweeting in the middle of your busy schedule will quickly become a chore instead of a pleasure. If you schedule tweets, there is no need to feel obligated to tweet all the time. It also makes you far more productive by not switching between tasks constantly. Scheduling tweets can also change your perspective. You will become more proactive than reactive. People will look to you for exciting content once they recognize you as an icon, a trendsetter, and a reliable source.

Help you post at the best time

Twitter users seeking a global audience must target multiple time zones. Perhaps you don’t need to tweet at 2 am if you’re targeting a local market. Even if you are comfortably tucked away in your bed, scheduling your tweets with apps gives you a chance to reach your followers during peak hours.
Besides time zones, your target market can also influence the time of your tweet. You can’t tweet during class times if you want to reach college students. Likewise, if your clients are hairstylists, you could tweet them after work or at lunchtime.
If you use a scheduling tool within the app, you can distribute your tweets during the day.

Disadvantages of Using App to Schedule Tweets

Scheduling tweets undoubtedly has more pros than cons, as we can see. However, you must be cautious when doing this and not only rely on scheduling. Thus, we have some disadvantages we need to be mindful of when scheduling.

Poor timing of post

The pace of technological advancement is accelerating. You may miss an engaging topic if you rely on scheduled tweets alone. Example: If everyone is tweeting about election results whereas you are tweeting about your brand, that creates an uncomfortable gap. Be attentive to events and edit your tweets when necessary. So, don’t fall victim to the trap.

Risks of being considered spam

Several Twitter accounts only send out tweets or retweets on a set schedule. It is a downside since they broadcast instead of interacting, contrary to social media’s purpose. When you solely schedule tweets in apps, you forget to interact with your followers; you become somewhat isolated. It would bog down your timeline if you responded to every RT with thanks!

Result in lower engagement

Putting out a tweet takes time, but using an app makes it easy and rapid, thus making you less productive. This mindset would make it impossible to inspire loyalty, foster engagement, and entice readers. Also, since the app schedules so much, you may forget to check for responses and comments, leading to less involvement.

App to Schedule Tweets

As you now know the importance of scheduling tweets, you may also wonder how to do so effectively. However, scheduling your tweets is surprisingly easy. The sooner you get into it, the more you’ll love it. We have listed a few apps below that can help you schedule tweets on a mobile device (Android or iPhone) and Mac.


With a range of three to one hundred keyword monitors, SocialDog lets you schedule tweets for as few as ten to as many as unlimited. How amazing is that?
SocialDog makes it easy for you to automate tweet and follower management and analysis, ultimately freeing up your time for other creative pursuits. It comes with everything you need to improve engagement and increase your followers. Beginner users can learn everything they need about Twitter account management through help and documentation. Furthermore, the plugin’s features conform to Twitter’s official “Twitter Rules” and “Automation Rules,” one of its most notable attributes. For assistance, always use the support form, which I find very convenient. At SocialDog, accounts are always securely synchronized with the best plans that fit your needs.


In Hootsuite, you can post to more than twenty social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and a maximum of three accounts can be connected. Hootsuite can schedule up to thirty tweets. Its auto-scheduling feature enables you to pick a day and time for your event that is convenient for your audience. By using this feature, the audience is guaranteed a constant flow of relevant and valuable content. When you feel like reorganizing your posts, drag them into the calendar view.


TweetDeck is another tool that is popular for scheduling tweets. People using only Twitter and needing to manage multiple Twitter accounts can benefit from this tool.
It’s easy to schedule tweets with TweetDeck without turning on Twitter Ads. When you’re unable to tweet at a specific time or day manually, this tool comes in handy.


Buffer is also worth considering. By connecting your Buffer account to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest, you can share content across the web. With the help of your audience’s data, you can schedule automatic posts. There is a limit of 10 scheduled posts per account and three connected accounts. With Buffer’s Posting Schedule feature, you can schedule posts and tweets at your leisure.

Schedule tweets from Twitter’s web app?

Another possibility is to schedule tweets in the Twitter web app directly. Click on in your web browser to begin. Following that, sign in with your Twitter account. Once you’ve done that, follow these simple steps to start scheduling tweets at your convenience.

Step 1
As soon as you open in your web browser, click on “Tweet” on the left side of your profile. You can now start typing a new tweet, images, hashtags, and everything else you need. Next, click on the schedule button below the content area.

Step 2
Select the date and time when you want your tweet to go live, then click Confirm.

Step 3
Once you have spotted any typos, click on the Schedule button to schedule the tweet. There you have it.

It is easy as pie. The best part is that your tweet will not appear on Twitter and in any third-party data before the scheduled time and date. Wanna check your scheduled tweets anytime, go to “Scheduled Tweets.”

Schedule Tweets with the App

Scheduling tweets entails a lot of work and time. As you move along, questions may arise, and sometimes you may not know where to turn. After all, you are the one who decides what your goal is. To maximize the effectiveness of scheduled tweets, you should take full advantage of the tools mentioned above by tweeting at convenient times for your audience to get the most out of it.
Make sure your tweet schedule matches your audience’s interest and engages them. Don’t forget the pitfalls, and keep your tweets live and human by incorporating real-time communication.
You can schedule tweets on Twitter with any of the apps we discussed earlier. Each tool offers different benefits, so choose the one that best fits your needs.
Remember that scheduling tweets will make you ubiquitous, so pick your tool wisely and make the process a breeze!
Hopefully, you found this article helpful in figuring out how to schedule tweets using an app. Let us know which scheduling tool you like the most!

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing

SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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