SocialDog Help Center

I'd like to post a reservation for the weekdays on the weekend at once.

Update date: 2020/02/18
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If you are too busy to tweet on weekdays, you can use the

Using the Appointment Slots

If you want to tweet at a certain time of the day, you can use the Posting times.

First, you need to set up your Posting times.

Set the day of the week to Monday-Friday and the time of day to be morning or afternoon.

Next, you can Add a tweet to Posting times from the list of appointments.

Put together a batch of appointment posts when you have the time and put them to good use!


  • When you add a tweet to your Posting times, it will be automatically posted from the top of the list at the time of the reservation window.
  • You don't need to specify the date and time when you add a tweet to the Posting times.
  • You can drag and drop tweets added to the Posting times list to reorder them.
  • You can set the appointment date up to one year later.