SocialDog Help Center

Change to Keyword Monitor maximum Tweets retrieved per day

Update date: 2021/12/03

Thank you for using SocialDog.

This notice is to inform you of upcoming changes to the maximum number of Keyword Monitor Tweets that can be retrieved per day.

Plan Current maximum New maximum
Business 50,000 10,000
Pro 5,000 500
Lite+ 500 50
Lite 30 5
Old plans 50,000 500

Note: "Old plans" refers to paid plans entered before August 11th, 2020.

Date of change

January 24th, 2022

Effect of the change

This change will have no effect if the number of Tweets being retrieved by Keyword Monitor is already under the new daily maximum for your plan.

If the number of Tweets being retrieved by Keyword Monitor is above the new daily maximum for your plan, Tweets over the maximum will no longer be retrieved. You can retrieve more Tweets with Keyboard Monitor by upgrading your plan. Tweets up to your daily limit will continue to be retrieved, even if you do not upgrade your plan.

Reason for the change

The current daily limit is above what most users require, and when retrieving a very large number of Tweets, the sorting and filtering features would become slow or unstable in some cases. Additionally, even in cases where a large number of Tweets were retrieved with Keyword Monitor, in almost all cases they were not utilized, leading to our decision to implement this change.


Q. What is "Keyword Monitor"?

A. A feature that automatically retrieves Tweets based on specified keywords. Retrieved Tweets can be viewed from the Inbox screen.

Q. What is the "Maximum number of Tweets retrieved per day"?

A. The maximum number of Tweets that can be retrieved each day using the Keyword Monitor feature. If the number of Tweets retrieved with Keyword Monitor in a day exceeds this number, Keyword Monitor will not retrieve any more Tweets until the following day.

Q. Do I need to do anything as a result of this change?

A. This change will have no effect if the number of Tweets being retrieved by Keyword Monitor is already under the new daily limit for your plan. If the number of Tweets being retrieved by Keyword Monitor is above the new daily limit for your plan and you wish to retrieve Tweets exceeding this limit, you will need to upgrade your plan.

Q. Where can I view the number of Tweets currently being retrieved with Keyword Monitor?

A. By checking "Retrieved in the last 24 hours" on the Keyword Monitor settings screen.

If you have any questions feel free to use the Contact form to contact us. SocialDog will continue to strive to develop and operate a service that satisfies our users.

Thank you for your continued support.