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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

The 7 Best Tips to Increase Your Twitter Followers

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2020/12/2 Update date :2020/12/2

How can I increase my twitter followers?

This is the common question for Twitter marketers, and maybe you are one of them.

In this article, you will find some tips and manegement tools to help you increase your Twitter followers. There is no magic to get more followers, but you can reach your goal at a minimum. So let’s get started.

Why should you commit to Twitter marketing?

Don’t stop Twitter marketing just because you haven’t made it work. Twitter marketing has a huge potential.

Twitter is one of the most popular SNS, and that means you can reach thousands of potential customers.

Also, you can be a customer service, or do face-to-face selling on Twitter. Take some time to search your company’s name. You will see tons of tweets that says

・they don’t know how to use the product properly
・they bought the products
・they don’t know which products to buy

You can answer these questions on Twitter!

You can solve your customers’ problems. You can sell your products face-to-face. You can listen to your current and potential customer’s voices. That’s the biggest reason to do Twitter marketing.

I’m going to tell you one fact, that is you can’t sell your products on Twitter. You can promote your products, but you shouldn’t keep sending buy messages.

So what is Twitter marketing success? The answer is increasing the brand value and creating potential customers.

Luckily you can make a Twitter account for free. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to succeed. All you need is creativity and the right strategy.

7 tips to increase your Twitter followers free

You have been managing Twitter for your business, but you haven’t increased your followers. It’s because you picked a wrong strategy.

Don’t try to sell your products. Don’t always promote.

If you really want to increase your Twitter followers, pick a right strategy and stick to it. Now you will learn 7 tips which will help you to increase your Twitter followers.

1: Optimize your profile

How do people decide whether they follow you or not? The answer is by seeing your profile.

Your profile presents yourself to audiences. It says what you do, who you are, what you tweet about, everything. Based on your profile, they decide to follow you or not. So you should use your profile very well.

So,what makes a good profile? Your profile should include

・original header and user photo(if you want to promote your brand, your logo would be a good idea)
・what you tweet about
・URL to your company’s official site
・pinned tweet

A pinned tweet is displayed on top of your tweet. So when potential followers see your profile, they see your pinned tweet too.

You can pin a tweet, which introduces your company or products, or make a buzz. Think of a pinned tweet as a part of your profile.

Always keep your profile short and clear. Don’t put a lot of information, they don’t have time to read all of it. Just put your short introduction, what you tweet about, and one message if you want.

2: Put some values on your tweet

The key of Twitter is the contents. Your tweets attract audiences. So you have to pick a tweet thema well.

You should know that your tweets define your followers. In other words, you have to know who you want to be followed. You must find it out before you start tweeting, because this will determine the content you will tweet.

Once you set your audience, you should always make sure to post relevant tweets. In this way, you can meet your follower’s needs. Also, tweeting relevant content will help your followers better understand who you are and identify with you.

I’m going to tell you one extra tip that will help you put some values on your tweet. Multiplying your company or products with something.

Let’s see some examples.

If your account represents a wine brand, you would post about knowledge of wine or products. But there are many companies that are making the same content. You should be differentiated from your competitors.

In order to do that, you could tweet about some secret recipes using your products. This would help you increase your Twitter following, because it’s interesting and different from your competitors.

Or you can review your products on Twitter. Your competitors are doing too? Then, why don’t you describe some bad points of your products? Honesty always wins, especially on Twitter.

You have been managing your company Twitter account, so your tweet theme must relate to your company or products.

But for the audience, it’s really annoying to just see your product release, brand value, and company history on Twitter.

Your Twitter account shouldn’t be an advertisement. People don’t like advertisements. They hate it.

Using Twitter as an advertisement will lead you to decrease your Twitter following.

Multiplying your products with something makes valuable tweets.

3: Humanizing your Twitter account

Do you use Twitter only for promoting, or responding to complaints? Then your Twitter account is the same with a chatbot.

Nobody wants to follow company’s chatbot. That’s why you should sometimes humanize your tweet. Make audiences think of you as a warm person, not a cold blood robot.

Imagine the reasons why people follow famous musicians on Twitter. People are not interested in seeing the advertisements for next release songs, or collaborating products.

No, because people can see them better on Instagram or YouTube. People want to see their thoughts, their daily lives on Twitter.

Your current and potential followers have the same desire. They want to see who you are,what you do rather than your products.

There are many ways to humanize your Twitter account. The easiest way is to add some humor.

Being funny closes the distance between your brand and audiences. That’s why it’s valuable to inject your Twitter account with some humor and personality.

But, adding some humor on tweets is a bit hard. It can offend some people, and the worst scenario is you will get fired for being too funny on Twitter. So you should show positive humor that doesn’t hurt anyone.

It’s not always necessary to talk about something funny related to your company.

One of the most important things is to give people positive impressions with the brands. In this way, they will remember your brand when they look for some products which are relevant to your company.

4: Talk with fans a lot

If you want to increase your Twitter followers, you should try to make fans, not followers. There is a big difference between fans and followers.

Followers are just the numbers. They don’t like or retweet you.
Fans engage with you. They like, retweet, comment on your tweets. They talk about you and it helps you increase your Twitter followers.

In order to make fans, you should talk with them a lot. Reply every comment, send thank you messages to people who buy your products, or solve your customer’s problems as quickly as possible.

It needs steady efforts to make fans. But once you get fans, they probably will remember you when they do shopping. In this way, you increase your Twitter followings and potential customers.

5: Tweet everyday

There are many accounts that are so quiet when they don’t have any news. But if you want to increase your Twitter followers, you should post consistently at least one time a day.

The more tweet you post, the more engagements and followers you get. That’s a simple rule.

Actually, if you think of Twitter characterize, you will find out why you should tweet everyday.

There are always active users on Twitter, and they see a timeline at different times of the day. That’s why it’s important for you to stay active and post yout tweets.

But don’t post so many tweets in a row, because it’s so annoying for audiences.

So I recommend you post 3~5 tweets per day at a different time. Although you should limit the numbers of tweets per day, you don’t need to set the numbers of replies. In fact, try to reply as many times as possible.

6: Use hashtags properly

Hashtags are useful especially when you don’t have many followers.

By using hashtags on your tweet, it will be seen by audiences interested in hashtags. That means you will reach more potential followers.

If you are looking to increase the reach and exposure of your brand, you should take part in Trending Topics, which are the most used hashtags at a certain time and place.

7: Analyze your tweets

You should increase the engagement of each tweet as the number of tweets per day is limited.

Analyzing your tweets maximize engagement. When you analyze your tweets, you will learn

・the best time and day to tweet
・which tweets(contents) perform well
・the segment of your followers

Especially, it’s really important to determine the best time to tweet. Once you determine the best time, you don’t have to check Twitter all the time.

You probably have other tasks to do. Just make some tweets when you have free time, and post it at the right time.

Determining the best tweet time increases not only your follower, but also your productivity.

Analyzing is everything. Constantly analyze your tweets, and optimize engagement.

3 recommended apps to increase your Twitter followers

Twitter analytical tools are essential to increase your Twitter followers. I’m going to introduce the three of most recommended analytical tools.

1: SocialDog

SocialDod is all-in-one tool for twitter marketing. It lets you analyze your tweets and followers. You can check the data on the Twitter management screen, but SocialDog allows you to analyze the data even deeper.

One of the most useful features is the ability to follow a keyword. It notifies you when a tweet containing a keyword is posted. So you will never miss tweets that mention your company or products.

Of course, it is possible to schedule your tweet so that optimize tweet engagements. The tool is very complete and quite simple to use.

Very useful to track news or keywords according to a theme. Also to enhance interaction on the social network, respond quickly and track trends more effectively.

There is a free trial of the paid plan 14 days. So if you are interested in it, I highly recommend you try it out.

2: TweetDeck

TweetDeck is an official tool created by Twitter to manage and control multiple accounts from a single desktop or control panel. Notifications, mentions, messages and the general activity of one or more accounts can be controlled.

If you have multiple accounts, TweetDeck would be helpful. But you can’t analyze the date with the tool. That means, it doesn’t help you optimize the engagement.

3: Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics is an official tool too. You can use it to have insights that allow you to understand your audience and focus your strategy.

By using the Twitter Analytics tools, you will be able to understand what tweet is working, what is not working, and how to make the best use of this social network for your business.

In addition, it’s free. Unfortunately, Twitter Analytics can’t automate tweet and management. Also, it doesn’t allow you to schedule your tweets. Twitter Analytics is a good analysis tool, but it’s not good at increasing efficiency.

Increase your Twitter followers with a right app

There is no shortcut to increase your Twitter followers, but you can boost efficiency by analyzing the data and make a new strategy constantly.

So, what’s important is to pick the right Twitter management app or tool. If you choose the right one, it can give you useful insights and you will know what you should keep doing.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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