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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

Best Ways to Mass Unfollow People on Twitter

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/10/27 Update date :2024/4/8

Are you wondering whether you can, or how, to mass unfollow Twitter followers? It’s possible, and there are different ways you can do it. There are various twitter tools you can use to do it fast and allow easy account management. Read on to learn more on how to mass unfollow on Twitter.

Can I Unfollow All My Twitter Followers at Once?

Twitter is one of the most popular social media sites, with more than two billion users. Thus, you may have followed thousands of accounts but no longer find them valuable. The best way is to unfollow them for easy account management. Unfollowing all your Twitter followers at once helps save time and effort. You can manually mass unfollow Twitter for free or use a mass unfollow Twitter tool.
There are different mass unfollow Twitter apps you can use to do it all at once. However, according to Twitter policy, unfollowing too many accounts within a short time period can lead to an account suspension. Twitter may suspend your account based on intent and behavior when unfollowing.
On intent, Twitter checks what you are doing. The social platform tries to ensure that you don’t churn followers. If you are unfollowing inactive Twitter accounts, it is allowed. Twitter finds that those followers haven’t tweeted lately and allows you to remove them.
However, if you followed hundreds of accounts last week, then unfollow all of them today, Twitter considers this “follower churning”. It shows you followed them, hoping they will follow you back and inflate your follower count. Twitter considers this aggressive and abusive behavior, and you may get suspended.
Twitter also focuses on your behavior when unfollowing Twitter accounts at once. Though there is no limit on accounts you can unfollow a day, you are limited on how to do it. All twitter bulk unfollow tools are technically banned. So, your account risks a ban if you use third-party apps such as mass unfollow Twitter extensions to unfollow all users at once.

Is There an Unfollow Limit on Twitter?

Twitter has detailed rules and regulations in place, and some of the critical policies involve following, followers, and unfollowing. This includes daily limits for these activities. But is there an unfollow limit on Twitter?
Twitter doesn’t have a specific unfollow limit. However, there are prohibitions on follower churning and automation. These prohibitions make it clear that if you try to unfollow many accounts in a day, your account risks being suspended or banned.
If the rate of following/unfollowing is viewed as abusive, your account might also get suspended. Therefore, you should avoid aggressive unfollowing and try to maintain a good following/unfollowing ratio. Avoid mass following and then unfollowing at once or using third-party unfollow apps that Twitter prohibits.

How to Mass Unfollow on Twitter

You might think about unfollowing multiple accounts if your Twitter timeline has become a mess with cluttered tweets. Before you start the bulk unfollowing, consider which accounts to remove. You want to focus on users who don’t tweet, don’t follow you back, or provide useful information. Before you mass unfollow, it’s good to note that if you unfollow private accounts, you will not be able to follow them back without their permission.
There are different ways you can mass unfollow Twitter for free. You can use a mass unfollow command line, mass unfollow Twitter extensions, or other third-party tools. Twitter prohibits third-party tools that don’t follow twitter automation rules. However, there can be problems with using these mass unfollow Twitter tools.

Using a Mass Unfollow Command Line is Complicated

A command line is a Twitter unfollow tool offering a great way to unfollow bulk accounts. It enables you to unfollow thousands of followers at once. You can use the command line solution known as T. The problem is that it takes time to install and run. You also have to start by installing Ruby, making the process complicated.

Using Mass Unfollow Twitter Extensions are Risky

You can also use mass unfollow Twitter extensions to remove several followers at once. The extensions are free, but the catch is that you have to select the followers to unfollow. You download the extensions, press the unfollow button, and choose the accounts to unfollow.
However, extensions can be risky because your personal information and account details are not necessarily very well-protected. Besides, the Twitter unfollow bot publishers don’t take responsibility if things go wrong when using the extensions.

Use a Twitter Tool to Unfollow People

Several tools can help you unfollow people on Twitter. Credible tools can help grow your engagements by helping remove inactive followers from your account. The tools offer several options, so you can get one that suits your needs. Look for a tool with features that allow you to unfollow a high number of followers quickly.
To ensure your privacy and security, use a Twitter tool that secures your information from third-party access. However, note that Twitter prohibits the use of third-party tools that don’t comply with its automation rules.

Perform a Twitter Bulk Unfollow With These 5 Tools


SocialDog allows you to manage your follows, mentions, unfollows, messages and check your statistics. It tracks inactive users, making it easy for you to unfollow them. You can use the tool to go through your followers, remove clutter and make your account more streamlined and effective. It allows you to unfollow inactive users and concentrate on more active users. This helps boost your Twitter engagement.
The tool has whitelist and blacklist features. You can add users who seem to harass or bully you to the blacklist, then unfollow and ensure you don’t refollow them. This allows you to focus on getting new Twitter followers. On the other hand, you can add your most engaged users to the whitelist. The whitelist also ensures you don’t mistakenly unfollow your favorite user.
SocialDog allows you to monitor people you follow but don’t follow you back on your phone. This allows you to unfollow them and boost your interaction with mutual followers. The tool adheres to Twitter policies on automation rules, so you won’t worry that your actions might get you suspended.
The tool also keeps track of new followers and unfollowers, combining data and tools into a single service. The number of times you can follow and unfollow a user using SocialDog has a daily limit, but the limitations can be increased or removed by upgrading your plan.
In compliance with X (Twitter) policy, SocialDog doesn’t let you bulk unfollow accounts with a single click. However, SocialDog’s advanced filters enable you to review and unfollow multiple users quickly and efficiently while adhering to X (Twitter)’s terms of service.


Tweepi unfollow tool helps you clean up your account. It allows you to find and unfollow fake, inactive, and irrelevant accounts, nasty avatars, egg profiles, and spammers in a few clicks. Besides unfollowing, the tool helps you gain followers quickly and grow your account. However, the tool only allows you to unfollow 100 users in a day.
Tweepi makes it easy to unfollow users by showing all your followers, your follow ratio, and the last time your followers tweeted. This makes it easy for you to determine the users to unfollow. You can also use its interface to look for inactive users by configuring the correct filter and choosing the users to unfollow. The tool can force users to unfollow you through its block and unblock automation feature.


iUnfollow is a free and secure Twitter unfollow tool. It allows you to mass unfollow all users who don’t follow you back in a single click. All that’s required is a Twitter account to log in to use the tool. iUnfollow automatically shows the profile of your Twitter followers. You can click on the Show Non-Follow Back feature to unfollow all those who don’t follow you.
A free iUnfollow account allows you to unfollow fifty accounts daily and shows you all your followers in one dashboard. The tool has a premium plan with advanced features, but if your goal is simply to unfollow, the free plan should be enough. Its lean and clean interface makes it easy to learn to use and unfollow users fast.
The tool has a whitelist feature that prevents you from unfollowing users by mistake. You can set up the whitelist on the dashboard with the list of users you don’t want to unfollow, whether they follow you back or not.
iUnfollow lets you unfollow users in three batches making the process quicker. Furthermore, the tool provides history and statistical features that allow you to find out users you unfollowed and when you did it.


Unfollowspy is a free Twitter bulk unfollow tool. It lets you know followers who are not following you back. The tool also allows you to find inactive followers and spam accounts. Furthermore, it shows live reports of accounts who followed or unfollowed you. Unfollowspy is available on both mobile and desktop applications.
The tool works fast and offers daily statistics to guide you through the unfollowing process. Unfollowspy is specifically designed for those with a large follower base. It provides the names of inactive users allowing you to unfollow or delete them from your list permanently. You can also search for low-quality Twitter accounts and remove followers without decent profile photos.
Unfollowspy allows you to see your new followers and those who have unfollowed you. This allows you to determine the details and decide whether to follow back or unfollow them. Its whitelisting tool helps you avoid unfollowing high-priority accounts.


CircleBoom offers great insights regarding your social circles. It helps strengthen your social circle by giving details about who to follow and unfollow. The tool highlights spammers, fake profiles, accounts not following you back, and inactive accounts. It allows you to delete old tweets, likes, retweets, and Twitter archives. Furthermore, you can identify and unfollow those with no profile pictures.
With Circleboom, you can unfollow those followers who haven’t tweeted for a specific number of days. You can also remove all those who are no longer on Twitter. The tool protects your personal information, such as username and password, with SSL encryption protecting your information from unauthorized parties. If you have hundreds of people to unfollow, you can use an auto clicker to do it quickly.
If your main objective is to use the unfollow Twitter tool, Circleboom is a great option since it has a free plan, rich in features, and handles all the basics involved well. It’s simple mobile design makes it easy to use even if you are a novice.

Conclusion: The Best Way to Mass Unfollow People on Twitter

The best way to mass unfollow people on Twitter is by using a tool that doesn’t go against Twitter policy. This ensures your account doesn’t risk a suspension or ban. SocialDog is a great way to mass unfollow Twitter in 2022, as SocialDog’s functions are compliant with official Twitter rules.
In compliance with X (Twitter) policy, SocialDog doesn’t let you bulk unfollow accounts with a single click. However, SocialDog’s advanced filters enable you to review and unfollow multiple users quickly and efficiently while adhering to X (Twitter)’s terms of service.

SocialDog uses Twitter’s official “OAuth” authentication protocol so, you can use it without giving away your password, making it a safe way to mass unfollow Twitter users. Furthermore, all communications and pages use SSL/TLS to encrypt data to ensure third parties don’t tamper with communications or access your information. Your credit card details aren’t stored or shared with third parties.You can download SocialDog and try its feature for the paid plan for seven days free.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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