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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

How to Track Users who Unfollowed You on Twitter and Ways to Unfollow Them

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/12/18 Update date :2022/12/20

Are you wondering how to find and unfollow users who unfollowed you on Twitter? You can easily track and unfollow them to attain a good follower/following ratio. Here is a comprehensive guide to identify and unfollow non-followers fast.

How to Find Out Who Unfollowed You on Twitter

To improve your following/follower ratio, it helps to unfollow users who are not beneficial. There are different categories of users you can unfollow, including inactive followers, users you are following but not following you back, or those who have unfollowed you. You can unfollow non-followers on Twitter since you can no longer have a beneficial engagement with them. People might unfollow you for any number of reasons and you may find it’s better to unfollow them as well. There are different ways you can identify users who have unfollowed you on Twitter. Here are some of them.

Look at Their Profile Page

You can find out users who unfollowed you on Twitter by checking their profile page. On the profile page, check next to their username. If they are following you, you’ll see a gray box indicating “Follows You.” If they no longer follow you, the gray box will be missing. This shows that they stopped following you.

Look at Your List of Followers

You can also check the accounts that unfollowed you by visiting your following list. This method is more practical if you don’t have a lot of followers. With a long list of followers, finding out who unfollowed you might take time. Open your Twitter account and click “Following.” Go through the list, checking users with a “Follow You” tag beside their names. If a user has unfollowed you, the tag is not there, showing that the following is not mutual anymore.

Use a Twitter Tool

Another effective way is to use an app to see who unfollowed you on Twitter. There are different tools you can use to identify them fast. Using a tool that meets safety standards is advisable to protect your data from unauthorized access. It’s also advisable to use a tool that follows Twitter automation rules to avoid account ban or suspension.
It’s common for people to unfollow you on Twitter. People will unfollow you if they find that following you is no longer beneficial to them. Following users who have unfollowed you may not add value for you either, so you may want to unfollow them in return. There are different ways and apps you can use to unfollow non-followers. With the tools, you can identify non-followers and unfollow them fast. Here are some of the ways to unfollow non-followers on Twitter.

Manually Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter

You can manually unfollow non-followers, but this can take time if you have several accounts to unfollow. Twitter permits manual unfollowing, but you shouldn’t unfollow all users at once. Twitter views this as follower churning and can lead to account suspension.
To manually unfollow non-followers, login into your account and click the “Following” button. All the users still following you have “Follow You” beside their username, while those who have recently unfollowed will not have this tag next to their name. Click on their profile and then “Unfollow.” Repeat the same with all the others.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Bot

You can also use a Twitter unfollow bot to remove users who have unfollowed you quickly. The bot can help find out these users and make it easy to unfollow them. However, before using the bot, it’s good to know that Twitter prohibits the use of bots that don’t follow its automation policies.
To unfollow, you login to the bot and then authenticate your Twitter account. The bot then helps identify the recent users who have unfollowed and then unfollows them from your account. With the bot, you can unfollow all the users at once.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Extension

Twitter unfollow extension helps you find all non-followers and allow you to unfollow with a single click. Start by installing the extension and then click on it. After you click, it takes you to your account following list. Click “OK” to allow the page to scroll down and load all users you follow. After loading, the extension finds non-followers to enable you to unfollow them.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Tool

You can also use Twitter unfollow tools to remove users who have unfollowed you. Various tools have features to help you find the accounts that have unfollowed you and enable you to unfollow them automatically. With the tools, you can unfollow in mass, thus helping you save time. However, it’s good to know that Twitter doesn’t permit the automation of its processes. So, you need a tool that follows all the Twitter automation rules to avoid account suspension.

Choosing a Twitter Unfollow Tool

Unfollowing people who unfollowed you on Twitter manually can cost you a lot of time and effort. This is especially if you want to mass unfollow on Twitter. However, there are tools that can help unfollow non-followers on Twitter for free. You can also use an app to see who unfollowed you on Twitter. With the many tools to choose from, the most critical thing is to use one that follows Twitter policies. This ensures your account doesn’t risk a ban or suspension.
As you choose a tool to mass unfollow non-followers on Twitter, checking the ease of use and features is advisable. It’s good to use a tool with a simple dashboard and features that allow for seamless unfollowing. Use a tool that allows you to unfollow at once with a single click.
Consider the safety of your data when choosing a Twitter unfollow tool. Selecting a tool with the right security features is advisable to prevent unauthorized access to your data. It’s also good to note that these aren’t Twitter official tools, and don’t take liability for any problem that occurs when using them to unfollow. Learn more on how to unfollow all non-followers on Twitter at once in the following section.

The Top 5 Tools to Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter

You can use different tools to unfollow non-followers on Twitter. A good tool allows you to unfollow at once and complies with all the Twitter unfollow rules. Below are the top tools you can use to unfollow non-followers.


SocialDog is the best tool you can use to unfollow non-followers on Twitter. The tool has a follow back and unfollow feature you can use to improve your following/follower ratio and shows the ratio on the main dashboard. You have graphs displaying your followers, new followers and users who have unfollowed you. It allows you to unfollow non-followers, which is reasonable since you can no longer have valuable social or business engagement with them.
The tool features 34 filter options that allow you to filter your followers and identify the users you want to communicate with or unfollow. SocialDog also has a quick filter that lets you filter your followers quickly with a single click. The quick filter allows you to display your followers depending on the frequently used criteria.
With the different filters and the follower management feature, SocialDog allows for efficient unfollowing operation. You can find the non-followers with a single click and remove them at once. The tool offers a safe account connection.
SocialDog has 4 plans tailored to meet your needs and budget.
Business plan $99/month
Pro plan $49/month
Lite $9/month
Lite free
You can also use a 7-day free trial for the paid plans.


iUnfollow is a tool created mainly to unfollow accounts on Twitter. With the tool, you can check the list of users who are not following you back and the ones to follow back. You can find out Twitter accounts not following you back and remove them. It allows you to unfollow 50 accounts daily with the free plan, which is a good number that won’t put you into problems with Twitter.
Go to the tool’s homepage and tap “sign in with Twitter” to connect your account to unfollow non-followers with iUnfollow. After authorizing the tool, you get directed to the “Non-follow” page with the accounts that are not following you back or those that have unfollowed you. For users who have unfollowed you, you won’t see the “Follow” button next to their names. Click “unfollow” to remove them.
There are some users who have unfollowed you, but you still want to follow them. You may want to follow them to get updates about the various subjects they discuss. You can add these users to the “whitelist” to ensure you don’t unfollow by accident. The “history” feature allows tracking those who unfollowed you and when they did it.


To unfollow non-followers, you can use Tweepi. This simple and elegant tool tracks users who have unfollowed you and removes them. You can navigate through your following list to find accounts that aren’t following you back. Besides, Tweepi provides AI-powered unfollow recommendations on actions you can take when managing your followers.
When you login, the tool displays the followers who don’t follow you back by setting the “Not following you” filter. You can unfollow by clicking the “Unfollow” button under the user’s name from the non-followers list displayed. One of the shortcomings of using Tweepi is that it takes time to unfollow compared to most other tools.

Easy Unfollow

Easy Unfollow is an easy to use Twitter unfollow tool. The tool helps you to track people who don’t follow you back and those who have unfollowed you. With Easy Unfollow, you can unfollow the users one by one or mass unfollow them at once. Besides, you can also get new users following you and allowing you to follow them in return.
When you login to Easy Unfollow with your account, you get a list of non-followers or those who have unfollowed displayed to unfollow them. From the list, you can click “unfollow” beside each listed account to unfollow. To enjoy unlimited unfollows, you can opt for the premium plan by paying $5 yearly.


Circleboom makes it easy to track users who unfollowed you, so you can also unfollow them with the follower tracker feature. This is necessary in order for you to attain a good follower/following ratio and make your account have a good impression. Your account is safe since Circleboom complies with Twitter policies. Here is how to unfollow non-followers with the tool.
Login to the tool
Authorize Circleboom Twitter by signing in to your account. Your account gets connected to the dashboard to track users who unfollowed you.
Once you sign in, go through the “Circle Tool” on the left side
Tap “Not Following back.” With your stats, you can easily figure out who unfollowed you.
Once you get the user you would like to unfollow, click the boxes right of each user.
Tap on the blue “Add to Twitter list button” to create a Twitter list with all the users who have unfollowed you.
Go back to your Twitter account and unfollow them.
If there are accounts such as news channels, influencers, or celebrities you don’t want to unfollow, you can click the green button “Add to whitelist.”

Summary: Use a Tool to Unfollow Non-Followers on Twitter

Unfollowing users who have unfollowed you is a great way to attain a good follower/following ratio. You can find out who unfollowed by checking their profiles, checking your following list, or using a Twitter tool. You can use different tools to track these users and unfollow them. Some tools include SocialDog, Circleboom, Tweepi, Easy Unfollow, iUnfollow, and others. The most critical thing is to ensure you don’t use unfollow tools that don’t follow Twitter policies since your account risks suspension or ban. It’s also good to note that Twitter does not allow follower churning, so it’s good to avoid unfollowing in mass at once.
The best Twitter tool to track and unfollow non-followers is SocialDog. The tool is designed with the user in mind, making it the easiest to use. It has features perfect for businesses and individuals. With the Follower Management features, you can track your followers, identify those not following you or who have unfollowed you, and then allow you to unfollow them fast.
It’s also a secure tool that meets international safety standards. You can use the Lite free or paid plans to enjoy more features when unfollowing the non-followers. The paid plans include the Business plan for $99/month, the Pro plan for $49/month, and Lite+ for $9/month. Take advantage of the 7-day free trial for the paid plans to find out how all the features work.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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