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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

How to Unfollow Twitter Users Using a Browser and Twitter Tools

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/12/16 Update date :2022/12/22

You want to unfollow all users from your Twitter account, but don’t know the easiest and cheapest way to do so? Read on to learn how to unfollow on Twitter using a browser and Twitter tools.

Who Should I Unfollow on Twitter?

Twitter followers enable you to attain your objectives by having a beneficial engagement with them. Sometimes, you may find that you can no longer have valuable social or business engagement with some of your followers. Since they don’t help you attain your goals, it’s advisable to unfollow them. Unfollowing also allows you to achieve a good follower ratio and make your account appealing to more potential followers. So, who should you unfollow on Twitter?

Unfollow people who aren’t social enough

You can unfollow followers who are not social enough. Twitter is a social site created to connect people worldwide based on shared interests. Social engagement with your users is vital to your success, even if you have a business Twitter account. Some followers focus more on themselves by promoting their brands without being social. You can unfollow users who tweet about themselves and don’t retweet or participate in conversations.

Unfollow people who don’t reply

It’s good to unfollow users who don’t respond to direct messages and mentions. Having followers who respond to your tweets through direct messages or mentions is critical. Such followers boost positive engagement and allow you to attain your objectives. They also show that you still share similar interests and boost your Twitter growth.

Unfollow people who don’t follow back

It’s also a good idea to unfollow followers who don’t follow you back or have unfollowed you. You will not have mutual connections with such followers, making it necessary to remove them from your following list.

Unfollow people you don’t like

You can also unfollow users who tweet issues you aren’t interested in. For instance, if your focus is on business growth, you may not be interested in users who post on issues such as religion, politics, or other polarizing topics. Such tweets are suitable for your personal account or if you have an account designed for such purposes but not for your brand promotion.
Some followers like negativity, making them have tweets filled with rants or bad behavior. It would help to unfollow such users since they will only turn you off or even make you angry. It helps to follow positive people so that you can have constructive engagement. You can also unfollow users who tweet or retweet too much since they make your timeline cluttered.

Is There an Unfollow Limit on Twitter?

Twitter allows you to unfollow anyone you want. But does Twitter have an unfollow limit? There is no limit on the number of users you can unfollow from your account. So, you can remove all the users you want from your account anytime. However, Twitter discourages certain things when unfollowing.
Twitter usually analyzes how you unfollow users from your account. If you remove a bunch of accounts you just followed recently at once, this is viewed as churning followers. Twitter might consider that you followed them so they can follow you back and purge them if they don’t. This action can lead to your account suspension. However, when you unfollow hundreds of people at once and they are inactive, Twitter takes this into consideration. So, your account cannot be banned or suspended.
While there is no Twitter unfollow limit per hour, day, week, month, or year, you are limited on how you can do it. Automated unfollowing is prohibited. Using a tool that doesn’t follow Twitter automation rules can lead to your account suspension or ban. Your account is safe if you unfollow manually, but avoiding unfollowing all at once is advisable since this might be viewed as follower churning.

6 Ways to Unfollow on Twitter Using a Browser

It’s possible to unfollow people on Twitter using a browser. You can unfollow on both Chrome and Firefox with an extension. However, it’s good to be careful since the publishers of the extension don’t take responsibility if things go wrong. Here are 6 ways to unfollow with your browser.

Unfollow on the Twitter Website

Regardless of your browser, you can unfollow people on the Twitter website. You can unfollow them from their tweet, your following list, or their profile page.
To unfollow from a Tweet, you check a tweet from the user to unfollow, go to their profile name and tap the “Following” button. When you hover your mouse over the button, it changes to unfollow. Click “unfollow” to remove the user.
To unfollow from your following list, tap the “Following” button on your profile page or homepage. Hover the mouse over the “Following” button beside the profile name on your list. It changes to “Unfollow.” Click on it to unfollow the user.
To unfollow from their profile page, go to the account’s profile page, and hover the mouse over the profile you want to unfollow. It changes to “Unfollow.” Click it to unfollow the account.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Extension for Firefox

If you use Firefox as your browser, you can use the Twitter unfollow extension for Firefox. The extension helps you unfollow in mass. Start by downloading the extension from Firefox extensions and installing it. Click on your profile icon and move to your following list. Once the following list is displayed, click on the extension to launch it. After launching the extension, it starts to unfollow users, and you can stop it anytime.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Chrome Extension

The Twitter unfollow extension helps you find followers who are not following you back and then unfollow them with a single click. After downloading the extension, click on the extension icon. You are directed to your account’s Following section. When the confirmation pops up, click “OK” for the page to scroll down and load all your followers. After loading all users, the extension displays the number of people who don’t follow you back. You can then unfollow some or all of them.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Bot

You can also use a Twitter unfollow bot using your browser. A Twitter bot will work on any browser you use to access your Twitter account. With a bot, you can find inactive accounts, followers not following you back, or those who have unfollowed you. A Twitter bot can help you unfollow hundreds of accounts at once, thus saving you time. However, it’s worth noting that Twitter prohibits using a bot that doesn’t follow its automation rules and can lead to your account suspension.

Unfollow Using the Chrome Console

Another simple way you can unfollow people on Twitter is by using Chrome Console. To use this method, start by installing Google Chrome on your PC. After installation, log in to your account using Chrome and go to your Following page.
The links display all users you are following. Scroll the page to allow all your followers to be displayed on the page. If you use Windows Operating System, launch the Google Chrome Console by pressing Ctrl + Shift + J. When using the Mac Operating System, press Cmd + Opt + J. Inside the Chrome console, enter the code:
else t.trigger(“click”)
Press “Enter” on your keyboard to allow the Chrome console to execute the code and unfollow the accounts. Don’t close Chrome during the unfollowing process.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Tool

You can also unfollow using a Twitter unfollow tool. There are various tools you can use to unfollow, so you can choose one with features that suit your needs and help you unfollow fast. Each Twitter unfollow tool has different steps to use, so it’s good to understand them before using the tool you choose.

Choosing a Twitter Unfollow Tool

A Twitter unfollow tool is the best option to remove undesirable users from your account. The tools are designed to enhance efficiency and save time. There are various free unfollow Twitter tools you can use in the process. Most of the tools also have paid plans that have more features. The most important thing is to ensure you choose a tool that suits your Twitter Unfollow needs.
When choosing a Twitter unfollow tool, it helps to check one following Twitter unfollow and automation rules. Twitter checks how you unfollow, so if you use a tool that doesn’t adhere to its rules, your account risks suspension or ban.

Unfollow Safely With a Trusted Twitter Tool

When unfollowing on Twitter, it’s advisable to focus on your account safety. You don’t want to use a tool that can lead to your account suspension or allow unauthorized access to your data. Here are Twitter tools that enable you to unfollow safely.


SocialDog is an efficient, smart, and safe Twitter account management tool. It allows you to get followers and unfollow those who don’t add value to your Twitter account goals. The tool is safe since it complies with Twitter’s official policies.
SocialDog also offers high level security and safe linking of accounts. No account activity, including following or unfollowing, can occur without your consent. The tool is ISO27001 (ISMS) certified and complies with all recognized security standards. You can also use the tool without registering a password by using Twitter’s official “OAuth” authentication.
It has a follow-back or unfollow feature that provides notifications regarding following and unfollowing accounts. This makes it easy for you to maintain a good follower ratio. SocialDog also has a follower history feature that provides data on users who followed you and those who have unfollowed you.


You can also use Tweepi to unfollow Twitter users quickly and safely. The tool allows you to remove all undesirable users such as spammers, inactive accounts, non-followers, and those with a default profile pic. You can find all these accounts and unfollow them by using the sorting feature.
Tweepi has a Safelist feature that helps you avoid unfollowing users accidentally. For instance, if you are following a friend and don’t want to unfollow them by mistake, you can add them to the safelist. You can use the tool to unfollow for free or upgrade to the premium plans with more features.
Tweepi is safe to use since your information is protected from unauthorized access. The tool also follows Twitter policies on daily unfollow limits, so your account is safe from suspension.


Circleboom is an efficient Twitter management tool that enables you to remove users from top to bottom. It allows you to find inactive accounts that don’t tweet for 30 days, fake accounts, overactive users, users who don’t follow you back, and those who have unfollowed you. You can unfollow with the tool safely since your information is not shared with third parties without your consent. Circleboom also offers a safe payment gateway, so your details are secure.
The tool also adheres to Twitter rules. However, you cannot unfollow directly from the tool. Instead, Circleboom filters accounts to unfollow and creates a list. You then have to go to your Twitter account and unfollow the users from your following list by clicking the “unfollow” button next to their usernames.


SocialBee allows you to unfollow users who don’t follow you back by going to the audience page and clicking on the “Non-Follower” tab. Then you can click on the user’s profile and click “Unfollow.” The tool also provides a whitelist to add users you want to continue following even if they don’t follow you back. These users may include celebrities or news channels you follow to get updates on different topics.
SocialBee is safe since your information is contained behind secured networks and is never accessed by unauthorized persons. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology encrypts your credit card information. Besides, it follows Twitter rules, so your account is safe from suspension or ban.

Summary: Use a Twitter Tool Instead of a Browser Extension

Unfollowing users on Twitter helps remove users who don’t help attain your goals. As you unfollow, it’s always advisable to check on the risks involved in each way. Using an unfollow extension puts your account at risk of ban or suspension since it doesn’t comply with Twitter automation rules. The other risk is that the extension doesn’t protect your information correctly. Thus, your details can get into the hands of unauthorized third parties. The extension publishers are not liable for anything that goes wrong.
It’s advisable to use a Twitter tool that complies with Twitter automation rules and protects your details from unauthorized access. This helps keep your Twitter account safe from suspension or ban. A Twitter tool can also allow you to find specific accounts, such as inactive users, users not following you back.
SocialDog stands out from other tools because of its ease of use, great features, and safety. You can sign up for the Lite free or choose one of the plans provided. The paid plans are the Business plan for $99/month, the Pro plan for $49/month, and Lite+ for $9/month. SocialDog also offers a 7-day free trial for all of the paid plans.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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