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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

Clean Up Your Twitter Account With This Free Twitter Unfollow App

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2022/12/15 Update date :2022/12/22

Looking for a Twitter unfollow app for free? We’ve got the best picks right here.
It’s not only your Twitter profile that needs a brush-up but your Twitter connections too. Over time, non-relevant followers, tweets, and image posts will grow on your account. It may reach a point where your tweets and content no longer reflect your style, giving the wrong impression to your audience.
Account maintenance become necessary when visitors (or even you) are forced to wade through a lot of junk to get to the content that matters. Unfollowing everyone on Twitter is one way to start new by following relevant accounts, but clearing out unrelated and outdated accounts can do the same. We’ll explain why you should purge your Twitter account and how you can do this effectively.

3 Reasons to Unfollow People on Twitter

Reasons for unfollowing on Twitter can be as simple as not liking what pops up in your newsfeed. You should only follow those who uplift you or influence you positively. You should unfollow all Twitter accounts that are unfriendly, discriminatory, offensive, or just posting random tweets.
By doing so, you will see a cleaner feed with only the most valuable content. The more you tailor your Twitter followers to suit your needs, the better your Twitter experience will be. To get an even cleaner Twitter profile, consider the following 3 reasons for unfollowing a user.

Unfollow Inactive Twitter Accounts

Do you know that an inactive account reduces your profile’s authority and influence? While Twitter boasts over 1.3 billion users, not all of them are active. In fact, “only 237.8 million of them are monetizable monthly active users”. What if those inactive accounts ate up space on your following list? Inactive accounts rarely engage with you or retweet your posts. Therefore, following an inactive Twitter user will increase your Twitter following/followers ratio for no reason. Unfollowing them will allow you to discover others who share your interests.

Unfollow People Who Don’t Follow You Back

Unfollowing those who do not follow you back matters a lot. If they don’t want to see your Twitter journey, the exchange won’t be mutually beneficial. It’s become commonplace for people to follow back, so this is something to pay attention to.
Even if these accounts are active, they don’t help you unless they reciprocateThat’s why it’s important to unfollow non-followers as soon as possible on Twitter. It’s okay to follow some accounts that don’t follow you back if you find them valuable.

Unfollow Accounts With a Poor Follower Ratio

Make sure you refrain from following accounts with a poor follower ratio. If they follow more than twice their followers, they are probably spamming follow-backs to gain followers.
You should immediately unfollow them if you see such a ratio because Twitter is more likely to suspend such accounts. In short, they are not interested in what you post, but in your following.

Is There an App to See Who Unfollowed Me on Twitter?

There is no native feature on Twitter that lets you see who unfollowed you. Fortunately, third-party apps make seeing who unfollowed you on Twitter a whole lot simpler. Twitter unfollow apps give users a lot of flexibility and control, allowing them to unfollow people without attracting attention.
These apps use algorithms to detect changes in your followers and reveal who hit that unfollow button. Although many apps exist, there’s a chance that some may compromise your security as they require access to your Twitter account.

Can I Unfollow Someone on Twitter Without Them Knowing?

Twitter users who post too much irrelevant information or criticize a lot may not be worth following. And if you’re wondering whether you can unfollow people on Twitter without them knowing, we say – it depends.
Average Twitter users won’t be aware of it immediately because Twitter itself does not notify them when you unfollow someone. Generally, Twitter doesn’t notify people when they’re unfollowed, but the lid may be lifted if that fellow user is using a third-party app or engaging in a particular activity on their account.

3 Ways to Unfollow People on Twitter for Free

So, how to unfollow people on Twitter for free who don’t follow you back? The process of unfollowing usually takes a couple of clicks, as you can either unfollow one profile or several profiles at the same time. Unfollowing a user can be done in several ways, either manually or automatically for free. So, let’s walk through 3 different ways to do it. Just always keep in mind that Twitter’s restrictions limit how you can automate the process, so it’s best to adhere to their policies.

Manually Unfollow Twitter Accounts

To unfollow people on Twitter, it’s best to do it manually. It means checking every account and making sure they follow back. The Twitter app only lets you unfollow one account at a time. You’ll have to put in lots of effort to unfollow everyone if you have a large following. Here’s how to manually unfollow everyone on Twitter through the Twitter app.
Log in to Twitter
Next, click on the following button under your profile.
By tapping the following button beside each account, unfollow all selected users.

Use a Twitter Unfollow Extension or Bot

Using a Twitter unfollow bot, you can unfollow users within seconds who don’t follow you back after a set time. For example, you can apply conditional rules like unfollowing after 5 days of no follow back. Every time a user matches that rule, the bot automatically unfollows that account.
You can add a Twitter unfollow extension to your Chrome browser. It allows you to unfollow unlimited accounts with one click. As both methods work in high volumes, Twitter doesn’t recommend them and your account might get banned if you overdo it.
For either a Twitter unfollow bot or extension, do it in small batches, such as 100 to 200 accounts. Take a few hours or even days between unfollowing thousands of accounts. While it may be hard to resist, a bit of patience may keep you under Twitter’s radar.

Use a Twitter Unfollow App

Finding Twitter users who have recently unfollowed you or haven’t followed you back is best achieved with a Twitter unfollow app. These apps have multiple functions that facilitate unfollowing inactive accounts, spam, or non-followers while complying with Twitter’s rules.
With unfollowing apps, you can easily unfollow people on iOS and Android devices or even from a PC. The positive aspect of this method is that you can unfollow a lot of people without exerting too much effort. It also offers the option of creating different lists where you can save users from being refollowed or unfollowed. What’s more, most Twitter unfollow apps are super affordable or free.
To unfollow everyone using a Twitter Unfollow App, proceed as follows:
Install the unfollow app, and then log in with your Twitter credentials.
Follow up by tapping on “Not following me back” and “Mutuals.”
Once that’s done, tap “Unfollow” next to each account to stop following them.

Choosing a Free Twitter Unfollow App

So, are you ready to clean up your non-followers? A streamlined Twitter account improves the quality of your feed and keeps your followers engaged. The idea of choosing a Twitter unfollow app revolves around not letting your Twitter feed be overrun with clutter so that only unrelated accounts are unfollowed.
Inactive and non-following accounts, as well as accounts with poor ratios, should be at the top of your unfollow list. Consequently, you need an app that provides real-time insights into your followers’ activity.
In an app like SocialDog, all three factors are tallied in one place; you can see if someone is not following you back, is inactive, or has a poor ratio, and with one click unfollow them.

Unfollow Safely With a Trusted Twitter App

At some point, you’ve probably unfollowed someone manually. However, doing that for every account you follow is exhausting. Besides, no one has time for that. We recommend a Twitter unfollow app that is reliable, trustworthy and can effectively unfollow thousands of accounts.
For frequent Twitter users, it is easier to use and offers enhanced options. From scheduling options to profile adjustments, Twitter apps have been helpful across iOS and Android, Windows and macOS. To help you unfollow everyone on Twitter, we’ve broken down the top Twitter unfollow apps:


SocialDog is one of the best Twitter unfollow apps that will turn your followers into fans. As of 2022, SocialDog is a high performer with 1 million users. It’s definitely an efficient and smart app because it has all the features you need for unfollowing. Navigate to the left panel and click “Followers.” Once you do, you’ll see a submenu with tabs like “Not following,” “Non-followers,” and “Inactive.” All you need to do is click on the tabs and start unfollowing as easy as pie.
Features that stand out:
With its smart analysis, you can see all your followers’ details in no time. The “Report” feature lets you view statistics about followers and unfollowers, which can be downloaded as CSV files.
Sorting and filtering features allow you to unfollow people based on username, bio, default photo, tweets, likes, and so forth.
With the “Hidden List” feature, you can hide certain users on SocialDog, making them invisible.
A helpful feature of “Keep List” is that it prevents accidental unfollowing irrespective of the circumstances.
You can use SocialDog as a Chrome extension and it is compatible with iPhone and Android devices.
SocialDog is a very budget-friendly app. There is a free plan that allows you to unfollow up to 100 accounts per day, which is incredible.
If you’d like to experience the paid features of SocialDog, you can take advantage of their free 7-day trial without being limited in any way.
SocialDog offers 4 plans in total:
Lite: Free forever
Lite+: $12/month
Pro: $59/month
Business: $120/month


iUnfollow lets you unfollow users who do not follow you back quickly and effectively. The app accesses your data using the Twitter API, and it is absolutely free to use.
iUnfollow automatically finds Twitter accounts that do not follow you back and lets you unfollow them in bulk using its simple interface. Additionally, it has a whitelist feature that prevents accounts from being accidentally unfollowed. Up to 50 accounts can be unfollowed for free.

Unfollower Stats

Unfollower Stats is another useful app that is free of charge for unfollowing Twitter non-followers. Logging into the portal will allow you to track which users are not following you back.
With Unfollower Stats, you can track daily changes to the accounts you need to unfollow. As well, you can keep track of the people whom you are not following back so that you can follow them and maintain your following list. Thanks to its responsive design, you can use Unfollower Stats on mobile devices and access the portal on the go.


CrowdFire is a social media management app designed to get people to engage with your content. The unfollowing process is really simple with CrowdFire. Just click the menus in the left sidebar to unfollow anyone you want. The Non-Followers feature enables users to select profiles that have not followed them back and to clean their profiles.
In addition, it has a Recent Unfollowers tab, but you might not see it on your initial visit because it needs time to gather information. You can unfollow only 25 people through CrowdFire for free daily, but further unfollowing requires a paid account.
CrowdFire offers 3 premium plans:
Solopreneurs: $7.48/month
Medium companies: $37.48/month
Large companies: $74.98/month

Summary: Try the Best Twitter Unfollow App for Free

We’ve prepared you with everything you need to know about unfollowing on Twitter, but ultimately it’s up to you to make the decision. Your Twitter feed should reflect your evolving aesthetic and perspective over time, so you can show your audience that you’re on top of things.
With a bit of cleanup, you can cut through all the clutter and get the message across. You can unfollow a Twitter account in seconds using the Twitter unfollow app; it’s easy to use, accurate, cost-free, and compliant with Twitter’s rules. SocialDog offers robust Twitter management that will guide you seamlessly through the Twitter experience.
Try Lite 7-day free trial

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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