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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

12 Best Twitter Analytics Tools to Use for Your Campaign

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/2/13 Update date :2023/4/3

Why You Should Be Using Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics allows you to analyze your tweet data to gain more insights about your audience. The data demonstrates how your audience responds to your content and lets you know what’s working and what isn’t. This helps you optimize your Twitter campaigns to get the desired results.
With the best free Twitter analytics tools, you can find the number of people you have reached, as Twitter Analytics show how often your tweets appear on your audience’s feeds. You can also go deeper to see when and where the users saw your tweet.
Twitter Analytics shows your account’s monthly performance. With the data, you can find out if your performance has improved. It also provides more details about your followers, such as gender, age, location, and buying styles, allowing you to know them better. This enables you to create campaign that better resonate with your audience.
The analytics enable you to know your audience’s interests. It shows your users’ top ten interests, thus allowing you to leverage your campaign around your audience’s interests. It also allows you to identify trending topics your audience likes. You will find trending topics and their engagement rates, thus allowing you to use the topics that improve your engagement.
Twitter analytics also helps you determine your engagement rates, find potential influencers in your audience, check if your Twitter ads are working, and monitor your follower growth.

How do I Check My Twitter Analytics?

Step 1. You can check your Twitter analytics from your Twitter dashboard by clicking More in the left-hand panel, Creator Studio, then Analytics.
Step 2. Go to the “Analytics” option to access the native Twitter analytics dashboard. The dashboard shows your Tweets and profile’s performance. The 28-day summary section provides your overall campaign performance. You will find all metrics, such as profile visits, impressions, followers, and mentions related to your Tweets.
Step 3. Click the “View all Tweet activity” button under the “Top Tweet” section to access the more advanced analytics on your Tweets performance. Here you will see a graph comparing changes in your Tweet impressions over the selected period.

What do Free Twitter Analytics Track?

Twitter analytics track the performance of your hashtags and tweets in your campaign. It tracks the times your profile is visited across a certain period. This helps you know whether the number is increasing or reducing, so you can plan and adjust effectively.
It also tracks your mentions over a certain period. Each month your top mention is also displayed. In addition, the analytics track your tweet and hashtag impressions. You will find the number of impressions you have received over a while.
The free web app also tracks tweet and hashtag engagement, the number of interactions your hashtags and tweets have received, and the engagement rate. If your hashtags and tweets have little engagement, you can restrategize to improve engagement.

The 9 Best Free Twitter Analytics Tools

Once you set up your Twitter campaign, tracking its performance over time is important. Analytics let you know whether your campaign is progressing well, but using them to their full advantage can be a challenge whether you are an expert or a beginner.
Choosing the best free Twitter tool makes a huge difference, because they make the process easy for you. Free twitter analytics software provides you with the metrics that help you determine the success of your Twitter campaign.
Hashtag analytics tools do most of the work for you and deliver results within a few seconds, so here are the best free Twitter analytics tools you can use.

Native Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics is the web feature provided by Twitter that allows you to understand how your hashtags and tweets perform. It offers a 28-day summary featuring data on your impressions, tweet count, profile visits, followers, and mentions. You can also scroll down to access a month-by-month summary.
The Twitter Analytics free online tool identifies how you are performing. You find users talking about you and the number of people the conversations have reached. It also helps you determine who retweets your content and the engagement rates.
Twitter Analytics features an audience tab with data on your followers, who they follow, and the top hashtags used by them. The data also includes consumer behavior, demographics, and lifestyle information. You can use the data to create targeted messages resonating with your audience.


FollowerWonk helps you track your audience, categorize, and compare them. The tool can also help you spy on your competition to understand their strategy and know how to beat them. You will know what they are doing right to emulate them or create better strategies.
FollowerWonk has a Social Authority feature that helps you locate and win potential influencers. The influencers are scored from 1-100, with a higher score indicating stronger influence. You can use stronger influencers for your Twitter campaign.
With the tool, you can compare your followers to get the one with the highest number of followers and engagement rates. is one of the best free Twitter analytics tools that offer you data on all your users. The tool provides a tag cloud that identifies trending hashtags and topics. You understand trending topics with your competitors and get engaged by clicking the topic cloud to access the tweets on that specific topic. also allows you to find out your audience’s interests and use the information to post hashtags and tweets resonating with these interests.

Social Bearing

Social Bearing is an easy-to-use free Twitter analytics tool that offers clear results. The tool can search specific tweets, topics, or profiles. The tool features a location tool that allows you to type in a keyword and a particular location to see the number of times your brand, hashtags, and Tweets are discussed and mentioned in that area. This helps when targeting specific geo-locations.
The tool offers a tweet analysis feature that gives insights into how the audience you monitor uses their accounts. You determine how much they retweet or reply to messages. The information helps you choose who can be your best influencers.


Tweepi is a great Twitter analytic tool that offers data on your audience. You can use the tool to clean up your account and remove undesirable, irrelevant, and inactive users. The tools also help you incorporate influencer marketing or get other brands to do co-promotion in your campaign.
The tool also gives you access to extra features, such as those following you, and also recommendations for users to follow.


Twitonomy is a simple free Twitter analytic tool with several features that enable you to analyze your competitors, profile, and users. The tool has a basic dashboard that gives insights into your engagement and Tweets.
The tool provides you a follower report that makes you find non-followers and other relevant metrics. It shows current and historical data that allows you to understand the performance of your tweets and hashtags over time. You get classic metrics such as replies, retweets, and the number of your followers.
Twitonomy also gives additional data about your account. For instance, you can view tweets breakdown by days of the week or hours. The tool also helps in follower and competitive analysis.

Tweet Binder

Tweet Binder converts your Twitter statistics from your account to a well-detailed report. The tool analyzes time periods, such as the last 30 days or 7 days, and provides standard metrics including the number of followers, mentions, and engagement rates.
The tool also offers more specific metrics, such as the engagement and market value of your hashtags or Twitter account. It also uses the Twitter influence algorithm to find influencers on the platform. In addition, the Hashtag tracker helps you to spot relevant Twitter topics.
Tweet Binder has a Twitter opinion analysis feature that shows you the emotions your tweets and hashtags evolve. This helps you know when the tone of your messages changes.


TwitterAudit is one of the best apps for Twitter analytics. To use it, you should enter the account you want to analyze and tap on the “Get analysis” button.
The tool lets you know the number of fake and real followers in your account. It also tells you if the account you are analyzing is fake or real. The shortcoming of the tool is that it doesn’t provide competitive audit or graphical data.

Vaizle’s Competitor Analysis Tool

Vaizle’s Competitor Analysis Tool enables you to perform quick competitive analysis against your competitors. All you need is to enter your Twitter URL and your competitor’s to compare your performance with theirs.
The tool shows your weekly activity and engagement rates. It also indicates types of engagement, such as retweets, replies, and favorites. In the last part of the report, you can find the best performing tweets of your account and that of your competitor.

What Do Paid Twitter Analytics Tools Track?

Unlike free Twitter analytics tools, paid tools offer more insights into your Twitter campaign. Paid tools show your followers, their interests, top mentions, interactions, and engagement rates. They also help you to track your campaign results and help measure your ROI. The tools also help in Twitter keyword analysis to help you discover keywords to use in your posts or tweets.
Some paid Twitter analytics tools track tweets featuring a specific hashtag or keyword. They may also track the number of positive and negative mentions, thus helping you determine if your campaign resonates well with your audience. The tools can also discover new topics for discussion that bring a higher engagement to your account.

The 3 Best Twitter Analytics Tools

If you’ve invested time and resources in Twitter marketing, you should track whether your efforts are paying off with the best Twitter analytics tools available. The best tools provide in-depth analysis of your Twitter campaign, as the goal is to gain insights to understand your audience better and broaden your business growth opportunities. Here are the best Twitter analytics tools available now.


SocialDog is an efficient and smart Twitter analytics tool. The tool allows you to perform detailed Twitter analyses to understand your account’s performance. With SocialDog, you can analyze tweets and hashtags based on the number of retweets and likes to help understand your engagement rates.
SocialDog has a dashboard with graphs with daily reports showing how your account is performing in terms of increasing and decreasing followers. This allows you to understand the status of your account. The tool also helps you gain insights into your followers by analyzing their names, location, and demographics.
The tool’s advanced search functionality enables you to filter tweets, and the keyword monitor gathers tweets depending on keywords and notifies you by slack or email. The historical data provided helps you to understand your follower retention rates.
SocialDog has 4 plans.
Lite+: $9/month
Pro: $49/month
Business: $99/month
You can also sign up for the 7-day free trial to use all the features of the paid plans.


Hootsuite is a great Twitter analytics tool that helps you launch and track your campaigns. The tool allows you to identify your competitors, analyze tweets and determine your engagement rates. It also offers information on your follower count, sentiments, trend, audience behavior, and other metrics.
The tool has a social listening feature that enables you to listen to vital conversations of your audience. This helps you use their demographics to sort them for better campaign targeting.
Hootsuite allows you to identify the content that is working, help improve the effectiveness of your Twitter ads and boost your reach. The tool also allows you to track by keyword. For instance, you can set up Twitter mentions showing hashtags or tweets with positive sentiments.
Hootsuite has 4 plans:
Professional: $49/month
Team: $249/month
Business: $739/ month
Enterprise: Contact for pricing


Brandwatch provides detailed insights into your Twitter campaign performance. It has robust features that help you track hashtags, keywords, tweets, and anything you want to look at. The tool allows you to check basic metrics such as the number of replies, likes, or followers. You can also get a more in-depth analysis of your audience demographics.
The tool also has an easy to understand and customizable dashboard featuring metrics such as reach, impressions, and comments. The metrics allow you to have clear insights into your Twitter account performance.
Brandwatch features a customizable query builder you can set to track specific posts, hashtags, or topics. It also offers sentiment analyses that enables you to understand how your audience views your brand.
Brandwatch for small businesses costs $108.00/month. There is also a free 14 day-trial.

Conclusion: Try This All-in-One Twitter Analytics Tool for Free

Analytics help you understand your Twitter account’s performance. You should use the best Twitter analytics tool to get in-depth and quick results. The tool should provide metrics such as engagement rates, mentions, follower count, interactions, replies, and others.
You can use free or paid Twitter analytics tools, but paid tools offer more in-depth data analysis and insights about your Twitter campaign than the free options.
SocialDog is the best all-in-one Twitter analytics tool you can use to get the best results. The tool has great features that allow you to perform detailed analysis to understand your account status. It enables you to analyze engagement such as likes, replies, and retweets by type of post. The follower analytics lets you know your account follower status at any time.
When using SocialDog, you have peace of mind because your data is secured from unauthorized access.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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