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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

The Ultimate Twitter Follower Demographics Guide for 2023

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/4/19 Update date :2023/5/1

Brand managers and marketers know how important social media is to business. 82% of B2B businesses have Twitter accounts, hoping to reach as many of the platform’s 450 million active users as they can.
However,Twitter isn’t just about tweeting. Once you start strategizing, you need to consider things like posting rate, hashtags, target audience, and more. Knowing what time your followers are most active online or which age group likes your content, enables you to tailor your marketing efforts. And your Twitter success depends on demographic data, such as gender, location, and activity.
Twitter follower analytics tools help you analyze your follower demographics, improve your social media strategy, and expand your reach.Here’s how to find them, and the tools you need, for audience demographics in 2023.

What Do Follower Demographics Tell You?

Follower demographics include information such as gender, age, location, interests, and behaviors of your Twitter audience.
By knowing the demographics of your followers, you can craft tweets that resonate with your audience, develop social media strategies aligned with your business goals, and reach the customers you need to succeed.
However, follower demographics only tell you about their characteristics, not whether their numbers are growing or declining.
With Twitter Analytics or third-party tools, you can analyze the demographics of your followers and analyze your Twitter performance. For marketers, understanding the demographics of their followers is key to optimizing Twitter campaigns and understanding their target market.


A location report shows in which country and region your Twitter followers reside. This lets you schedule your tweets for the best times to post in various time zones.
You can also compare your followers’ location data with the rest of Twitter or your competitors to see how they differ, where your target market is, and how to improve. By analyzing location data, you can target potential followers in new markets and create more effective messages for them.


The age demographics of your followers tell you their average age and how they are distributed among different age groups. Using this information, you can tailor your tweets to different age groups and generations, and target ads to specific age groups based on preferences, needs, and behaviors.


This shows you how many of your Twitter followers are male or female, and what interests they share, so you can deliver more relevant and engaging content.
Males are more likely to use Twitter than females. In fact, 71.2% of Twitter users are male, compared to 28.8% for females.
By using gender targeting on Twitter, you can reach more women or men depending on your product or service.

How to See Your Twitter Follower Demographics

Twitter’s Follower Demographics are like unlocking a treasure chest of insights, allowing you to understand your followers better and tailor your content accordingly.
They offer information that could transform your view of your followers and how to reach them. Here are 3 ways to see who your followers are:

Audience Insights in the Twitter Analytics Dashboard

The native Twitter dashboard no longer supports Audience Insights after Twitter discontinued the feature in January 2020. Despite this, you can still track metrics and data like impressions, engagements, profile visits, mentions, and followers about your Twitter performance.
Follow these steps to access Twitter Analytics:

  • Click ‘More’ in the left-hand menu of Twitter in your browser.
  • The Twitter Analytics dashboard displays an overview of your monthly performance and top tweets.
  • You can view more details about your tweet activity by clicking on View All Tweet activity under your Top Tweet section.
  • In addition, you can see your followers’ interests, locations, and gender by clicking on the Followers tab at the top of the page.

However, there are other sources of audience insights, such as Twitter for Business or third-party tools like SocialDog. These tools can give you similar or even more detailed info about your followers, including their interests, demographics, and behaviors.

Twitter Business Insights Dashboard

The Twitter Business Insights Dashboard helps you grow your audience and reach your goals by providing weekly recaps of your followers and impressions, as well as personalized tips and resources.
If you want to access the Twitter Business Insights Dashboard, sign up for a Twitter for Business account here. You can then follow these steps:

  • Under Advertising > Analytics, select Twitter for Business.
  • On the Business Insights Dashboard header, scroll down and click Visit Yours Now.
  • A dashboard displays insights such as the top tweets, the most influential followers, the best time to tweet, and the top topics that are most popular.
  • On the Audience tab, click on Your followers, and then select Demographics to see your followers’ gender, country, and region.
  • The ‘View More Insights’ button will provide you with more details and recommendations about Twitter.

The Business Insights Dashboard is a useful tool for optimizing Twitter presence and performance, and for learning from data and user feedback.

Third-Party Twitter Tools

Third-party Twitter tools provide deeper insights than native Twitter Analytics. Most show ages, genders, and locations in easy-to-read graphs, allowing you to better understand your audience and target your content accordingly. However, some tools pose risks, so always check their credibility and security.

How to Use Follower Demographics for Twitter

Social media managers or marketers often say, “Post good content”. However, good content is only effective when it reaches the right people. Follower demographics can help you gauge how well your content resonates with your audience. Here are 3 ways to use Twitter follower demographics:

Schedule Tweets Based on Your Followers’ Location

It can be difficult to reach all of your followers when they are spread across different time zones and regions. This is because different regions have different peak times when people are most active and engaged with social media.
Scheduling your tweets for the peak times in each region eliminates manual work and guarantees that you reach a larger audience that engages. Also, this will prevent you from flooding them with too many tweets at once.

Base Tweets on Events Near Your Followers

People often feel an emotional connection to their local community, and by tweeting about local news, trends, holidays, or happenings, you can tap into that connection. Keep a close eye on your demographics every month to see what your followers are into.
Your followers will feel more engaged and loyal when you speak about their interests and what’s important to them in their local area, leading to more meaningful relationships on a deeper level.

Tailor Tweets to a Specific Target Audience

Tailoring your tweets to a specific target audience allows you to focus on topics most relevant to them, thereby generating more likes, retweets, and followers.
You can tailor your tweets to meet the needs and preferences of your target audience by knowing their characteristics, preferences, and interests. Use language, tone, and style appropriate for each group to be the most effective.

Best Tools for Twitter Audience Demographics

It is estimated that Twitter will have 652.23 million users by 2028. With such a large user base, understanding the Twitter user demographic becomes essential for businesses to get the word out there.
To get more information about how your Tweets are performing and how you should target followers, you’ll need to use the best Twitter analytics tools. Here’s a rundown of our favorite Twitter follower demographic tools of 2023:


Trusted by marketing professionals, SocialDog is a powerful Twitter analytics tool with audience demographics. Use its follower demographics to compare data with your competitors and apply filters for insights that can help your business.
SocialDog can handle large-scale operations and reduce workloads that used to take hour with its high-performance, reliable service.
SocialDog offers follower analytics features including:

  • Follower acquisition analysis: It lets you see how many followers you’ve acquired or lost over time, along with the rate at which followers are retained.
  • Follower analytics: This feature displays information about your followers’ backgrounds and interests, such as their language, location, bio, profile image, etc. In intuitive graphs, you can also view the age, gender, and other info of your followers. Additionally, you can sort and filter your followers based on follow-back rate, activity, and more.
  • Tweet analysis: You can analyze how your tweets performed on impressions, engagements, retweets, and likes.
  • Reports: You can generate and download CSV reports that show your followers, tweets, and hashtags. Depending on the data and time range you want to analyze, you can customize the reports.

Price plan:

  • Lite: Free
  • Lite+: $12/month
  • Pro: $59/month
  • Business: $120/month


Circleboom makes managing your Twitter account a breeze. Using its follower analytics, you can get weekly, monthly, and yearly follower statistics. You can also see how your following changes over time by viewing the daily change graph.
Its audience insights feature lets you analyze your Twitter audience demographics in-depth, including growth, language, and interests. To make the right decision, you can use Circleboom’s visual interest cloud, which displays the interests of your followers.
Through Circleboom audience insights, you can create content that is more relevant and engaging for your Twitter audience.
Price plan:

  • Pro: $27/month
  • Multi: $109/month
  • Business: $189/month


FollowerWonk is a freemium tool for gathering and analyzing information on Twitter users, as well as determining trends and expanding your reach for a wider audience.
Using Followerwonk audience demographics, you can see the breakdown of your Twitter followers and other Twitter users’ followers based on location, gender, age, language, and social authority. Also, the demographics of their users can be used to compare their similarities and differences.
Price plan:

  • Connect: Free
  • Target: $29/month
  • Multitask: $79/month

Fine-tune Your Tweets With Twitter Follower Demographics

Data makes our decisions smarter. Having a strong grasp of Twitter follower demographics can work wonders for businesses and marketers. You can create a successful marketing plan, tailor your content, attract the right people to your profile, and choose the best time to post.

Tracking age, gender, and location lets you fine-tune your tweets and boost performance. An all-in-one Twitter tool with audience demographics like SocialDog makes reaching your target audience quicker and easier than ever.

Sign up for the free trial of SocialDog’s Pro plan

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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