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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Check Twitter Analytics

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/5/4 Update date :2023/6/1

Do you want to check Twitter analytics for your account? Twitter Analytics and other third party tools offer you an effective way to check the analytics. Learn more how Twitter Analytics and other tools can help check the analytics.

What is Twitter Analytics?

Twitter Analytics is a web tool provided by Twitter. Originally launched in 2014, the tool allows you to track, measure, and optimize the performance of your account to boost the impact of your profile and business. All Twitter users have access to Twitter Analytics to track data about their tweets, followers, conversion, mentions, impressions, profile visits, and others.
The Twitter Analytics dashboard gives you an overview of the metrics driving engagement on your account. The data shows your progress over time and helps you gauge the effectiveness of your content.
The tool is recommended for anyone interested to know how their account is performing, including individuals, social media managers, and agencies.

What Does Twitter Analytics Tell You?

Twitter Analytics shows how your audience responds to your posts. It tells you what’s working and what isn’t, enabling you to optimize your Twitter campaigns for improved results. The data give insights critical to boosting your sales and traffic. Here are some of the things Twitter Analytics tells you.

Tweet Activity


This is the number of impressions each tweet received. You can also see an overview of cumulative impressions over a specific period. This allows you to repurpose successful Tweets or create similarTweets to maintain a high level of engagement.
The cumulative overview allows you to compare monthly activity. You can check what you did differently in the month you received more impressions to continue doing the same. For instance, you may have tweeted more or used Twitter Ads, making your post reach more people.

Engagement and engagement rate

The Tweet page tells you the impressions, engagement, and engagement rates of your tweets. It also shows the number of times users have interacted with your tweets overall. It tells you all the clicks on your hashtags, links, username, and profile photo, as well as retweets, likes, follows, and replies.

Profile Visits

Profile visits let you know if you are moving in the right direction. More profile visits show that people are interested in knowing more about who is behind the tweet.Twitter Analytics displays your profile visits at the top of the dashboard.
The tool shows the number of profile visits over a period of 28 days and is updated daily. Twitter Analytics also features a mini graph showing profile visits over time, letting you see if your profile visits are increasing or decreasing, and when to restrategize.


The followers section shows you how your followers have changed over a specified period, including how many followers you lose or gain every day.
The information provided enables you to understand the actions you took in a particular period that made you gain new followers or made you lose followers. This helps you identify what may have impacted follower growth.


Twitter trend analytics provide insights that allow you to amplify your marketing campaign. Twitter Analytics offers you an easy way to do it. You can use the dashboard to check the Tweet that has earned the most impressions, mentions and the top media Tweet during a given period.
You can check for trends in your top performing Tweets, check the days that your Tweets perform well, or the time and day your Tweets attract more engagement.

3 Ways to Check Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics lets you determine how your account performs over a specified time. Whether you are using a mobile device or desktop, you can access the Twitter Analytics login and get all the metrics you need. Here are ways to check the analytics.

Twitter Analytics Dashboard

You can check Twitter Analytics on the dashboard to find all the metrics over a period of 28 days. Twitter Analytics dashboard is available in all browsers, so you can access it no matter the browser you use on your desktop or mobile.

Account Home

Log in to using your account username and password to see the Twitter analytics dashboard. On the account home menu, you will find a 28-day summary displaying Tweet impressions, profile visits, and followers gained and lost over that period.
You will also find a table showing your Twitter activity for the past months. The history helps you see how your account has performed in the past months and whether you are progressing toward your goals.

Tweet Activity Dashboard (TAD)

The tweet activity dashboard shows how your Tweets have performed over the 28-day period. It includes tweet impressions, top tweets, engagement rates, profile visits, impressions, mentions, engagements, and top Tweets.
The dashboard also shows the clicks, retweets, likes, and replies you have earned per day over that period.

Video Activity Dashboard (VAD)

The Video Activity Dashboard displays the number of views your videos have earned over the 28-day period. These are videos published from or It shows views per day over this period, the total minutes each video was viewed, and the average daily views.

Twitter Analytics on Mobile

To check Twitter Analytics on mobile, log in using a mobile browser and click “View Tweet Activity” at the bottom-left of your Tweets. It shows the number of views as well as engagement, such as total impressions, likes, and more.

Third-Party Twitter Analytics Tools

Third party Twitter analytics tools offer more in-depth insights and advanced data on how your account is performing. They complement Twitter Analytics and have more features that allow you to monitor your Twitter campaign and get a more accurate and clearer picture of your performance.
There are some free and paid tools to choose from depending on your budget and Twitter analytics needs. The tools check your engagement rates, un-followers, followers, interactions, retweets, and engagement rate.

How to Check Twitter Analytics for Others

You may be unable to check Twitter analytics for another account without their login details. To check the Twitter analytics of another account, you can request their login details or ask them to share their analytics pages with you.

The Best Twitter Analytics Tools in 2023

The best Twitter analytics tool offers great insights into the performance of your Twitter campaign. The tools show your followers, those unfollowing you, and other Twitter users’ interaction with your Tweets. They can also allow you to measure your ROI and track your campaign results. Here are the best Twitter analytics tools in 2023.


SocialDog is the best Twitter analytics tool to use in 2023. It’s appropriate for individuals and companies interested in analyzing their Twitter marketing. You can easily plan and manage your Twitter account with its well organized and simple to navigate dashboard. The tool centralizes all your Twitter data, such as likes, mentions, followers, impressions, and unfollows, in one location.
SocialDog allows you to streamline all your Twitter campaigns and help boost your engagement. The dashboard provides data that enables you to measure your success. Here you find critical metrics such as replies, retweets, likes, followers, and new followers, thus allowing you to monitor your account progress.
The SocialDog tweet analytics feature provides in-depth insights that allow you to create tweets that bring positive results. You can see your total retweets and likes by each day of the week and time of the day. The media analytics allows you to check the engagement of content featuring videos and images.
The follower acquisition analytics allows you to know who followed and unfollowed you and when they did it. You can also check your follower interest and backgrounds to enable you to create posts that resonate with them.
SocialDog offers 4 plans.
Lite: Free
Lite+: $9/month
Pro: $49/month
Business: $99/month
Sign up for the 7-day free trial to try all the features.


Circleboom is one of the most comprehensive Twitter analytics tools to use in 2023. The tool analyzes your daily/weekly/monthly, and annual follower growth metrics with a single click. The historical data provided allow you to measure your performance over time and understand what you need to improve. Circleboom has an interest cloud feature that helps you learn your follower’s interests and allow you to create posts resonating with their interests.
The tool provides Tweets Stats for you to learn your daily, weekly, or monthly statistics allowing you to organize your tweets. Circleboom has a best time to tweet feature that enables you to understand the best time to Tweet to get more engagement.
The tool provides a growth graph displaying your daily followers and tweet performance. Here you can check your follower statistics to track your follower growth. Circleboom report also includes your follower’s characteristics, gender stats, language stats, and friends change.
Circleboom offers the following plans:
Free plan
Pro: $17/month
Multi: $54/month
Business: $95/month
Enterprise: contact for pricing


Crowdfire is another great Twitter analytics tool with robust features to help manage your account. The tool allows you to track, measure and know the ROI of your Twitter campaign. Its fan function feature shows fans attached to your account but are not your followers. This allows you to add them to your account by tapping the green icon and boost your follower growth.
The tool offers a single monthly report featuring all your social media networks. You can also get weekly reports sent through email and check how your Twitter campaign is performing.
Crowdfire also has an advanced analytics feature that offers you more in depth insights into what is happening on your Twitter account. You will get comprehensive insights on every post you create. For instance, you will know the number of replies, engagements, shares, comments and check your fans and followers.
The data provided helps you improve your strategies and know your ROI. Crowdfire offers the following plans:
Free plan
Plus: $7.48/month
Premium: $37.48/month
VIP: $74.98/month

Conclusion: Check Twitter Analytics With a Powerful All-in-one Twitter Tool

No matter your Twitter marketing campaign goals, it’s necessary to check your Twitter analytics to understand your performance. This helps you know whether you are progressing towards attaining your goals.
SocialDog is a robust all-in-one Twitter tool that offers comprehensive insights into your account performance. It helps you understand your follower growth and the performance of your tweets, enabling you to effectively plan and improve your account performance.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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