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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

How To Use Google Analytics with Twitter

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/5/7 Update date :2023/6/1

Do you want to see how Twitter is driving business to your website? Google Analytics helps you understand how your Twitter converts users to business customers. Read on to learn how to use Google Analytics with Twitter.

Can Google Analytics Be Used With Twitter?

Google Analytics is a free web analytics app that can analyze website traffic from your Twitter account. The tool helps you gauge your Twitter account performance based on the number of visitors who come to your website from Twitter. It shows you the number of visits and the actions visitors take once they are on your page. For example, the tool lets you see if the visitors from Twitter click on your site links, fill out forms, make purchases, or take other actions on your website.

Connecting Directly to Your Twitter Page

Twitter is a social networking platform, so you cannot connect your page directly to Google Analytics. However, you can use it to measure the traffic from your Twitter account to your website.

Measuring Twitter Traffic to Your Website

Google Analytics provides in-depth insights into your website traffic. The tool allows you to identify the visitors that come to your website from Twitter. The “User Explorer” report lets you know how these visitors navigate your website and any time they return to your site.
Traffic from your Twitter page is tracked by default as referral traffic in Google Analytics. For example, if a person clicks on a link to your website from a tweet on your page, you will see in the referral report on the tool. The data give insights into the traffic your tweets are generating.
Another way to understand Twitter visitors to your site is by using the Google Analytics campaign tracking feature. This method tracks anyone visiting your website due to your tweet, regardless of where they clicked the URL.

Why You Should Use Google Analytics With Twitter

For online marketers, setting up Google Analytics for Twitter is crucial. The tool helps you understand how effective your Twitter account is at driving traffic to your website. You get a report on the number of visitors who visit your website from your Twitter page. In addition, it shows the number of pages they visit on your site. The data lets you determine whether you are targeting the right audience or providing the right Twitter content.
Google Analytics allows you to compare the ratio of new vs. returning visitors. If the ratio for returning visitors is low, you may need to restrategize to improve audience retention.
The tool lets you monitor traffic conversions, such as whether visitors from Twitter are making a purchase, filling out forms, or watching videos on your website.
As an online marketer, you should always set new goals to make your future campaigns more successful. Google Analytics dashboard provides data to help you set more challenging yet achievable goals. After tracking web traffic, conversions, and leads from your Twitter, you can set new goals for your next campaign to surpass the current numbers.

How to Use Google Analytics with Twitter

Use Google Analytics for Twitter based on the data you want to integrate with the tool. You can analyze your tweet’s performance, followers, and Twitter visitors. Here are two ways how to use google analytics with Twitter.

Google Analytics Default Social Media Tracker

One great thing is that Google Analytics analyzes traffic from Twitter by default. The Twitter traffic stats provided by the data can let you take further action to boost your online campaign. Here are the steps to follow:
Launch Google Analytics
Generate Leads > Traffic acquisition > Session source
Choose or as the source of your traffic. Your medium are the referrals, i.e., the users who visit your website through a link on another site. Choose the appropriate options from the list to get more data on your Twitter traffic.
You can also get this data by going to “Acquisition” and then clicking on “Social.”

Twitter Pixel in Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager has a ready-made Twitter tag, also called a Twitter pixel. You only need a Twitter Tracking Pixel ID to track conversions with the tag. The Twitter pixel lets you measure conversions on your site when users interact with your ads. The pixel also allows you to create custom audiences to target.
It lets you find how users interact with your website after clicking or viewing your ad. In addition, Twitter pixel enables you to see if and when people take a desired action, such as filling out a form, making a purchase, and engaging with your content.

3 Key Tools for Your Twitter Campaigns

You should track your Twitter campaign to understand its performance. Different metrics such as profile visits, impressions, clicks, replies, media views, and others show your Twitter online presence. Various tools can help track your Twitter campaigns to get insightful data. Here are three key tools to use.

Google trends

Google Trends is a free tool that analyzes the popularity of specific terms with the most recent data. Google Trends shows the trending keywords people search for, thus allowing you to use them on your Twitter content. The tool also shows how the popularity of a certain keyword has changed over time and provides insights into its seasonal popularity.
Another major feature of the tool is that it allows you to compare the relative popularity of several keywords. It provides a graph showing the difference between the Google search trends for several terms among people using Google search.
Google Trends also provides insights into the local and regional interest for search terms. For instance, it lets you see the country or regions where certain terms are most and least popular. The data is critical if you want to target an audience from a certain location.
However, you should note that Google Trends only analyzes keyword popularity rather than keyword search volume.

Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics is a free tool Twitter provides to all users to help them understand their account performance. When you launch the tool, you find a 28-day summary showing your tweet impressions, profile visits, followers, and mentions. You can also scroll down to find a month by month summary of your account performance. The summary lets you understand your performance over time to determine your progress.
The tool also has a Tweet section showing data on your tweets. Here you can check your best performing tweets in terms of engagements, impressions, clicks, likes, comments per tweet, and replies. You have the option to set a date range to track your tweet performance and also export data.
Twitter Analytics lets you view your video performance by providing metrics on the number of views, completion rate, and completion rates. Follow these steps to o access Twitter analytics:
Login to your account
Go to “More”
Click “Creator Studio” then “Analytics” to launch the Twitter Analytics page.

A Twitter Tool

Another option to track your campaign is using a Twitter tool. You can use a free or paid Twitter tool depending on your budget and analytics needs. A tool like SocialDog not only help you track your performance and followers, it lets you schedule posts. You can also check your performance in the past months to see your progress or know the changes to make if you aren’t progressing according to your goals.
Twitter tool can provide data on profile visits and your demographics. Depending on your tool, you can know the age, gender, location, and others that allow you to create a more targeted campaign. The report provided also lets you know audience growth during a specific period.
It’s good to track your competition to see how your campaign is doing compared to theirs. A good Twitter tool provides reports showing how you stack up against competitors and know where to improve to remain competitive. You also find the trending keywords to apply in your campaign.

Conclusion: Boost Google Analytics with a Powerful Twitter Tool

Google Analytics allows you to track your Twitter performance depending on the traffic it sends to your website and other metrics. It’s a great tool you can rely on to act on and use the insights and the analytics from Google Analytics to boost your campaign.
SocialDog offers easy-to-understand charts and graphs with insightful data on your account performance. It provides data on your tweet performance, follower growth, media performance, and others that allow you to create a campaign resonating with your audience.
SocialDog has an advanced post management feature that lets you plan content in advance with scheduled posts. This means you can create tweets and schedule them to be posted at a certain time. You can also schedule them in bulk to save time. The calendar view allows you to easily manage and view your posts.
SocialDog offers 4 plans.
Lite: Free
Lite+: $9/month
Pro: $49/month
Business: $99/month

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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