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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

How to Leverage Twitter Trends

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/7/19 Update date :2023/12/18

Keeping an eye on Twitter trends helps you align your content strategy with what’s popular. Twitter trends analytics allows you to know the trending topics, tweets, and hashtags and create content that appeals to your audience for more engagement. Read on to learn how to leverage Twitter trends.

Does Twitter Analytics Keep Track of Trends?

Improving your Twitter content strategy to attain your goals is not simple. Twitter analytics help you understand your performance and the best ways to create more relevant and engaging content.
Analytics help track trends so you can create interesting and relevant content. This leads to more engagement and keeps you competitive in a hotly contested market.

How Does Twitter Determine Trending Topics?

Twitter determines trending topics using the platform’s algorithm, customized based on your interests, location, and the people you interact with.
The Twitter algorithm identifies topics that are popular at that particular moment. This lets you understand the hottest topics you can apply to your content for more engagement.
You can discover what is popular within your interest group or on a broader scale. For example, if a larger number of users you follow are in the sports niche, you are likely to see more personalized trends related to sports. Twitter also prioritizes fresh content, meaning you will discover topics people are discussing in real-time.
In the mobile app, trending topics are under the Trends section of the Explore tab. In browsers, Trends are in several places, including search results, the Home, Notifications, and Profile pages.

How to Check Hashtag Counts and Twitter Analytics

Twitter is a valuable tool that lets you know about emerging trends. You can change location to see the trending keywords or hashtags in the chosen location. Clicking on a trending hashtag shows you all the tweets with that hashtag.
You can use various third-party tools to search Twitter hashtags to identify the number of tweets and retweets a hashtag has. They also show the most retweeted tweets. These tools help you identify the popularity of a specific hashtag every day, or you can check their popularity in the past month. The tools also display the times of the day when the hashtag is most used, so you can know when you can use it in your post
Tools can also provide a list of the trending hashtags and the number of tweets and retweets and their potential reach. You can also analyze the trending and popular hashtags for a certain location. This is necessary if you want to target an audience in a specific location.

Why Twitter Trend Analytics are Important

To increase engagement and conversions, you need to create content that resonates with your audience. One way to do this is to find out what is trending so that you can create content with the most popular topics.
Twitter trend analytics enable you to discover the trending topics in your niche. This helps you create content that results in more interactions, conversations, and engagements. Here are some other benefits of Twitter trends analytics.

Discover your audience’s sentiments

Trend analytics help you discover your audience’s sentiments and feelings regarding the trending topic. You see the responses based on their mentions, shares, and comments. Your audience’s positive or negative comments help you understand how they feel about the topics and know the best tone or strategy to apply when you get involved in the conversation.

Retweet popular topics

Retweeting is an easy way to grow your followers, enhance visibility, and improve interactions. Twitter trend analytics help you determine the popular topics so you can retweet and fill your timeline with more engaging content that results in more conversions.

Gain a competitive edge

Analytics enable you to know the popular content your competitors are posting in relation to your niche. The knowledge helps you create content on these topics or build your campaign based on their strategies, especially if they are at the top. You can also look for ways to improve on these topics to attain a competitive edge.

Become an authority in your niche

When you discover the trends in your industry, you can address them more effectively. For example, if your audience discusses an issue you can solve, you can create content explaining how your product or service can solve the problem. This makes your audience view you as an authority in your niche, leading to more growth and reach.

Optimize your account with hashtags

Hashtags enable you to optimize your tweets with trending phrases and keywords. When people click on a hashtag, they get exposed to posts with the hashtag. Twitter trends analytics let you discover the most popular hashtags among the tweets in your niche. This enables you to create tweets with the top hashtags to optimize your account and content.

The Top 5 Tools for Twitter Hashtag and Trend Analytics

Twitter trends analytics tools have features that make it easy for you to analyze and discover what is trending in your niche. With the tools, you can monitor trending hashtags and topics without much effort. The tools help you identify and use the trending topics and hashtags in your campaign to stay ahead of your competitors.
Here are 5 of the best Twitter trend analysis tools you can use to boost your online presence.


SocialDog helps with all your campaign needs, including account management, automation, and analytics. The tool streamlines all your Twitter operations to improve efficiency and engagement. You’ll get in-depth analytics that give you a clear picture of trends in follower numbers, tweet performance, and others.
SocialDog features a keyword monitor you can use to search for the trending keywords in your niche or those that users are likely to use in their tweets. This allows you to apply the popular keywords in your tweets to improve engagements.
The keyword monitor feature lets you see how your account is trending on the platform. It helps you find users who posted on your set keywords and those who mentioned you in their tweets. The tool enables you to monitor your tweets and see the most popular based on various metrics, such as most replies, most retweets, and most likes.

Tweet Binder

Tweet Binder helps you perform detailed Twitter hashtag and trend analytics by letting you discover the most popular and active accounts to engage.
It tells you the most retweeted and mentioned users, which can help identify a good brand ambassador who can impact your campaign by evaluating your influencers’ activity. This includes a high engagement score and active following.
The tool helps you analyze popular keywords and hashtags by discovering the sentiments brought by the different tweets. By understanding the hashtags with the most positive comments, you can incorporate them into your campaign for more engagement and brand reputation.
The hashtag tracker provides a list of the trending and relevant hashtags and topics in your specific industry and the engagement they bring. This allows you to use them in your tweets to improve your campaign. Tweet binder also groups and classifies tweets to let you know what makes some tweets more popular than others.


BrandMentions features a hashtag tracking tool that monitors Twitter in real-time. The tool provides a comprehensive analytics report on reach, impression, and number of tweets for a specific hashtag.
You can get to know the tone of the conversations regarding the trending topics with the sentimental analysis. It also monitors the trending topics among your competitors to keep you updated on what they are doing and apply some of their content strategies to remain relevant.
The tool provides Twitter hashtag analytics insights that let you know the trending hashtags and get influencers relevant to your brand. It updates you on the trending hashtags you should use to boost your reach.
BrandMentions also lets you discover who talks about your brand, what they talk about, and when they do it. The hashtag tracker provides instant alerts when you get mentioned, or a new trending topic emerges, allowing you to act as soon as possible and leverage it.


TrackMyHashtag helps you discover trending and popular hashtags, keywords, tweets, and phrases in your specific industry. The tool provides a comprehensive analytical report with the best performing and most relevant hashtags you can use in your campaign to improve your reach. It has a hashtag activity tracker featuring valuable hashtag analytics generated from raw data to help you build a strong content strategy.
The tool provides you with a list of all posts related to any hashtag, profile, keyword, or mention. You can also view all the upcoming popular tweets through the tracker instantly after being posted. This helps you incorporate the topics into your content quickly before your competitors and allow your tweets to trend.
TrackMyHashtag’s analytics dashboard features top-related media, hashtags, and URLs you can include in your content. The tool also comes in handy when searching for terms to use in your content. It provides you with a list of the most used language, popular tweets, and the client source of all the tweets associated with your search term.
With this tool, you can also find the top influencers in your niche and understand their impact to help you make future strategies for your campaign.


Talkwalker helps you perform Twitter hashtag and trend analytics in one dashboard. It gives you a detailed overview of all the metrics associated with your hashtags. You can discover the sentiments towards your content and how it changes with time. The data provided helps you improve your hashtag campaign to be more appealing to your audience.
The tool helps compare your hashtag performance against others in your specific niche. It lets you compare the top-performing tweets to see the ones that bring high engagement to your competitors. In addition, it enables you to identify your competitor’s influencers – which can help you find new ones for your business.
Talkwalker lets you identify new hashtags and top themes associated with your competitors. This helps you make the necessary improvements or use the hashtags your competitors use to remain competitive in your campaign. You can also discover top influencers in your niche.
It also helps with audience behavior tracking by monitoring their behavioral trends across different social platforms. This makes it easy to identify opportunities and trends for enhanced engagement and targeting.

Conclusion: Use a Powerful Twitter Tool to Leverage Trend Analytics

To leverage Twitter trends, you need to use a powerful Twitter tool that lets you analyze them in one platform. You need a tool that gives you trend analytics reports within a few seconds. SocialDog enables you to track your account and tweet performance, replicate what works, and make improvements for more engagement.
The tool enables you to perform analytics to understand trending keywords in your industry and allows you to use them to create content aligning with your audience’s interests. It lets you discover all the posts you appear in and your top tweets based on different metrics.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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