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【SocialDog】Essential tools for X (Twitter) marketing

How To Perform Twitter Time-of-Day Analytics

X (Twitter) MarketingPosted on:2023/6/28 Update date :2023/7/6

Tweeting at the peak times of the day or week helps your tweets get more exposure and engagement. And analytics can let you know when your posts perform the best. Read on to learn how to use Twitter time-of-day analytics to know the best times to tweet.

Does it Matter What Time of Day You Tweet?

The time of the day you tweet has a massive impact on your campaign. Determining the best time to tweet is important so you can reach your audience more effectively. By tweeting at peak time, your account gets better presence, and tweets get more engagements. Here are other reasons why the time of the day you tweet matters.

Boost your tweets’ exposure

The number of Twitter posts per hour is high and the competition for engagement is stiff. If you aren’t careful, your posts will be lost in the noise and your audience won’t see them. Posting at the right time helps ensure that more people see and engage with your tweets.

Reach the right audience

By posting at the right time, you have a better chance of reaching your target audience for your tweets. While it is good to have more people see your tweets it’s good to target the right audience to boost engagements. It’s also easy to connect and convert them into your business customers.

Plan your future campaign efforts

The other benefit of posting at the right time is that you will be able to plan for your future posts effectively. You learn the engagement patterns of your audience, which helps you to schedule your future tweets. You will know when your followers engage more with your content, so you can plan to post at that time.

Remain competitive

Tweeting at the right time ensures you remain competitive. When using Twitter analytics, you can check your competitors and find when they post their most engaging tweets. This lets you post simultaneously to remain competitive.

Beat Twitter algorithm

Twitter’s algorithm considers several factors, such as relevance and engagement, to determine the posts to be displayed to users. When you post tweets at the right time, they receive higher visibility, which increases their likelihood of being shown by the algorithm.

Various Factors Impact Your Best Time of Day to Tweet

The way you time your tweets determines your campaign success. Although there is no universally acceptable time of the day for you to tweet, several factors determine how you should post your tweets to attain the desired success. You have a small window to capture your followers’ attention, and if you miss it, your tweets will flop, no matter how good they are. Here are factors that determine the best time to post on Twitter in 2023.

The Timezone(s) of Your Audience

One of the most critical factors to consider while tweeting is the timezone of your audience. This is more important if you are targeting audiences in different countries. Ensure you know the top 4 countries or states where your followers are located. To ensure that your tweets reach all your audience, you should publish tweets several times a day when your followers are most active.
Check to discover when your tweets get the most engagement from all the time zones of your audience. Twitter analytics tools can help you discover the location of your audience and plan the times that work best for your followers based on their zones.

Your Industry or Niche

Your niche or industry impacts the time you should tweet. This is because the peak Twitter activity times differ in every industry. For example, B2B companies are more effective tweeting during business hours on weekdays. However, B2C brands should tweet more during weekends or evenings. Understanding your industry’s pattern is important to know the optimal time to tweet.

The Type of Engagement

The best time to tweet also depends on the type of engagement you want. Consider whether you want retweets, likes, clicks, mentions, or replies. All of these engagements are important, but different types of tweets bring different engagements.
For example, to get brand attention, you should create tweets around your audience’s office hours, lunch breaks, or mornings. On the other hand, if you want more likes, clicks, or retweets, you should schedule your tweets when your targets are online and engaged.

How to Get Hourly Metrics from Twitter Analytics

Native Twitter Analytics provides hourly metrics on your tweets’ performance. This lets you know the best time to tweet, depending on when your tweets get more engagement. The tool provides graphs with data that allows you to monitor mentions, schedule tweets, and analyze several accounts from one interface.
To get hourly metrics from the Twitter Analytics dashboard, click the “Tweets” menu at the top. You will see your tweet activity, with a summary of your tweets’ performance over the past 28 days. The tool shows the top-performing tweets, replies, engagements, impressions, and engagement rates.
On the right side, you will see the hourly metrics of your tweets for the 28-day period. Graphs display the time and day your tweets received the most impressions, clicks, retweets, comments, likes, and replies.

Top 3 Twitter Tools with Time of Day Analytics

Several Twitter tools provide data on time-of-the-day analytics. These tools offer more robust data reporting than Twitter Analytics. They allow you to understand how your audience responds to your tweets with daily metrics such as impressions, comments, replies, retweets, likes, clicks, and others. The data provided give insights that help you boost your account performance and gain a competitive edge.
Here are 3 Twitter tools with time-of-day analytics:


SocialDog helps improve your performance with its Tweet analytics feature. The tool provides an accurate overview of your daily account performance. It lets you analyze engagement, such as likes, replies, and retweets, by type of tweet.
The tool provides simple-to-understand graphs with tweet analytics by the time of day. The graphs show you all the tweets and the time you posted each of them. You can view the total retweets, mentions, engagements, likes, and average engagement by the time of the week.
SocialDog lets you know the times of the day and days of the week that your tweets get the most engagement. The data helps you tweet at peak times to get more engagement.
In addition, the tool has a schedule tweets feature that lets you create posts in advance and schedule them to be posted at specific times of the week when they get the most engagement. You can also schedule bulk tweets to be posted at specified times to save time.


SocialPilot helps you perform Twitter analytics and get reports that allow you to make informed decisions for your campaign. The tool gives a clear overview of your account performance by providing insights into your tweets with easy-to-understand graphs/charts of the most critical metrics.
The tool provides you with a comprehensive analysis of your tweet performance. It lets you learn the type of tweets that works for you. SocialPilot lets you know how each tweet performs by the time of the week in terms of impressions, retweets, likes, comments, replies, and the most favorite tweets.
You can also analyze patterns of your tweeting activities to know the time of the day and the day of the week you post the most. This allows you to understand the optimal time to publish your tweets. On the Twitter activity dashboard, you can see the tweets with the most engagement and those that didn’t. In addition, the tool allows you to “Reshare” your top tweets from the analytics tab.


Twitonomy offers comprehensive and visual analytics for all aspects of Twitter, including tweets, replies, retweets, likes, mentions, and hashtags. It lets you track your tweet performance to know the top-performing tweets in terms of engagements. It also displays historical and recent data, giving you a clear overview of your account activities within seconds.
In addition to replies, likes, mentions, and the number of followers, Twitonomy provides more detailed data about your tweet performance. It lets you see your tweets’ performance by hours and days of the week. The data enables you to know the specific time you should tweet to get the most engagement.

Conclusion: A Twitter Tool Simplifies Time of Day Analytics

Twitter tools offer more comprehensive and useful analytics. They have features that let you understand your tweet performance and the best strategies to boost engagement.
SocialDog stands out from all other tools by providing a simple and more detailed report about your campaign performance. Its tweet analytics feature lets you know how your tweets perform by showing the top-performing tweets.
The tool also displays other metrics by time of the day and day of the week. The schedule feature also lets you create tweets and post them at the peak time to get more engagement.
Sign up for the 7-day free trial to try all the features.

All-in-one tool for Twitter marketing


SocialDog has contributed to growing the followers of accounts of both companies and individuals. A range of features are provided to help you efficiently increase followers.

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SocialDog Editorial Department

SocialDog is an all-in-one Twitter marketing tool. With over 700,000 accounts, it has the most users of any social media marketing tool in Japan*.
SocialDog publishes useful information based on their knowledge and experience gained through creating a Twitter marketing tool.
* Based on a study by Japan Marketing Research Organization, Inc. undertaken in February 2021.

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