SocialDog Help Center

January 2020 Update.

Update date: 2020/02/16
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Jan. 29, 2020

  • Tweets > Post History When there are new tweets, "Load new tweets" is displayed and you can now get them immediately.


  • Reserved posts Fixed a bug where the same post was posted twice for Twitter accounts linked to multiple users.
  • Batch booking UTF-8 CSV files with BOM
  • Posting Schedule Fixed an issue where a high image might not fit in the screen.
  • Submissions List Submission errors have been modified to be displayed in the "Submissions List" instead of the "Submission History".
  • Tweet Preview of the link


  • CSV Download Resolved the problem of cells being split when opened in Excel, etc., when double quotes or line feeds are included.
  • Tweeting screen If you delete an emoji, such as 1️⃣, the character will appear.


  • Beware of overuse.
  • Modified the dashboard wording for clarity.
  • Tweets > List of scheduled posts, with the delete button in red.


  • Tweet screen Save the type of "Now", "Reserved", "Timed", etc. to each screen.


  • Tweet screen Fixed a bug where the calculation of the number of characters for some characters was different from the official calculation.
  • RSS auto-posting "Every 3 hours" was added to "Update frequency".


  • When you click the "Update Data" button, you can now update your follower's profile to the latest one. (It is now harder to show the message "Unfollowed" when an account is unfrozen from Twitter.


  • Top right menu Change order