May 2020 Update.
Update date: 2020/07/07
This article has not yet been translated in the language shown. It is displayed in machine translation, but it may be incorrect.
- Replies, RTs and Likes are now displayed in the order of "Reply", "RT" and "Like" along with Twitter
Tweet > Posting Schedule
- Fixed the problem where URLs are incorrectly displayed in the preview
- The number of posts displayed in the sidebar now does not include posts whose posting date has passed
Tweet > Bulk booking
- You can now register without seconds.
Account Settings
- The design has been renewed.
May 18, 2020
- Graph horizontal axis labels no longer display leading zeros for dates.
- The width of the vertical axis of a graph is now narrowed if the digit is too large.
- Deleted postings are no longer shown
Tweet > Drafts
- Input contents are now saved in the browser for a certain period of time
Tweet > Reserved Space
- You can now easily enter the time of day in the "Add Reservation Slot" screen
- Fixed the issue where opening the add screen in IE would cause an error.
Tweets > Quick Tweets
- Changed the "Tweet Now" button to "Tweet" and adjusted the style
organizing a follow-up
- The design has been renewed.
- Fixed an issue where "Location" and "Description" in the filter "Location" and "Description" did not work properly.
- When clicking "Hide" on a PC, the following users are now in focus
Analysis > Report
- Fixed problem where the 'Display items' pull-down in a table would be cut off
- The design has been renewed.
- Free trial period is now easier to check
- After clicking the button, the loading process is now displayed.
- Tooltip of the "Refresh" button in the sidebar has been fixed.
- Modals closed on browser's "back" action.
- Fixed the bug that prevented users from logging in and registering on Twitter when there was an invited user
Email (Daily Report)
- Dark mode is now available for icon images.
- Changed the display of Gmail for Android to be consistent in English.
Email (Keyword Monitor)
- You can now turn on/off email notifications for each keyword.
Slack notifications
- keyword monitor notifications no longer show the same tweet twice